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Can You Tell Me Where Happiness is?

freddy j

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For your consideration, here is a melodic little number that reflects on the question given in the title.  A suggested point to consider is given somewhere near the end.  Ya, being a faithful follower of "stay at home" during the bad part of this pandemic (especially here in Florida), I have had too much time to spend thinking.  Thinking is always a dangerous time for me.

Anyway, it is a bit different for me and being such I hope that you might provide feedback, suggestions, crit's, etc.  Thanks and I hope you enjoy it.





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28 minutes ago, freddy j said:

point to consider is given somewhere near the end

I'm guessing your talking about that last "can you tell me".
I think its working, kind of "sums" up these crazy times in which we live.

Thumbs up and then some for me Freddy!


for some reason the harmonies made me think "Mr Sandman" when it first started; don't ask me why....

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Yeah, a different style than what I'm used to hearing from you, Freddy. I like the "it is what you make it to be."
Tom mentioned Mr Sandman, but to me it sounded a bit like 26 miles (the Catalina Island song). Hey maybe that's where happiness is!

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I really liked the vocal harmonies - very cool. I enjoyed listening to the lyrics - you did a good job there. 

I thought the guitar solo fit the song well. I liked the drum track as well - it sat well in the mix.

Regarding the mix - I thought it sounded quite good to my ears.

Well done.

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Hey Freddy, I'm a little taken aback by this kinder and gentler version of Freddy -- I kept expecting some lyrical zingers.  However, this was very enjoyable -- I like the way you did the hi-lo vocals -- very creative.  And, I like the slightly out of left field guitar break -- you didn't go for the obvious lines there.  Mix is clear and the arrangement is terrific--good work~~Allan.

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Nice Freddy a different Freddy vibe.  In answer I think it is usually right in front of us but we can not see  it for looking. 

Like you I have not left the Falcon since the 16th of March, to many numpties out there for my liking, stay safe Freddy keep making the music.  

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Hi tom.  Thank you buddy.  The point was hidden in the 3rd to last verse (or maybe second - somewhere near the end?) "It's what you make it to be."  It probably took too many verses to get there.  Mr. Sandman by the Chordettes?  Cool -  the intro  does kind of have that flavour leading right into the Mr. Sandman phrase.  Now that was a cool song.  Thank you again for listening and for the kind words!

Hey Bjorn.  Every once in a while I have to try a different path no matter how short it might be.  If there were a prize you would get it  - the point was indeed "It's what you make it to be."  The Catalina song --- gracious,  the intro has a commonality to that song also.  I guess I write very common songs. However, any copyright infringement is unintentional ? Thanks much for taking the time to listen and comment.

Hi Douglas.  Thank you very much for your comments. The  vocals were particularly hard for me (a geriatric handicap) and required many takes. The solo was not planned but I just let the song take me were it wanted to go.  Thanks again.

Hi Allan.  No sarcasm in this one.  Just a bit of social observation and mild preaching (lol).  The solo was not planned but just kind of happened.  I'm glad that it worked out.  I very much appreciate your kind comments  and encouragement.

Hey Wookiee.  Not completely but to a large degree happiness is up to us.  Thanks very much for your kind words.

Stay safe everyone and wear those masks!



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Hi David.  Ah'p"n"s is indeed an elusive thing.  Sometimes it takes work to find it.  Personally, I stopped worrying about the grass being greener on the other side of the fence and have accepted how it looks on my side of the fence --- one of the advantages of being an old retired fossil (lol).  Thanks very much for listening and for the kind words!!!

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