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everybody loves to dance


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Hi Nigel,

Thanks for coming back and listening again, I'll have a look at the drums.

Hi Ed,

Thanks for your comments and listening, I will check my compression and reverb settings on my next pass.

Hi Bjorn,

I thought something more uplifting in this time of being released from the coronavirus. Thanks for your comments and listening.

Hi Starise,

A 'tame' disco - you've obviously seen me dance ? 

Thank you all for listening and commenting it is greatly appreciated.



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I like this song, and it has great potential.  I think if you punch up the kick drum, it will be closer to what you may be going for.  You could also add some percussion that's in cut time to make it seem faster.  However it goes, congratulations on stretching your writing abilities and going for something different!

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Hi Tom,

Thanks for the listen and commenting.

Hi Daryl,

Glad you like the hook, I'll try the tempo change next time.

Hi Lynn,

Thanks for listening and for the kick drum and percussion ideas, Bjorn also mention the kick drum so I'll have a look at that then as well.

Hi David,

No we are not really brothers the name 'the Galtieri Brothers' is just a stage name and sounds exotic and controversial when you come from Birmingham UK. We wanted to shock with our name and awe with our songs but mostly our efforts seem to block and bore ? By the way it's just me now as my 'brother' has gone on to better things.

Thank you all for taking the time to listen and comment it is really appreciated.





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