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Thank You Microsoft for breaking my computer with your most recent update


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Short story ...one of my Windows 10 computers with all my music software including my all i Lock stuff decided to upgrade the Win 10 OS ...

I had babied this computer and kept it on a metered connection  ...all was fine ....   it only went online for music software updates ...I recently changed my Internet home situation and still had this as metered connection  while only using Wi FI on my home router .... I was recording all last night and I noticed the thing was running a little sluggish so I looked in task mgr  and didn't see anything there that would indicate  my computer was downloading a new OS ...next thing you know I get greeted with  a pushy message that I have to restart my computer ...I was recording and mixing so I kept hitting an hour later option ... A couple of hours ago I finally let this thing restart and it takes a good Hour and a half to do what ever the EFF it has to do to replace my OS w a new one I didn't ask for or want .Now I'm up $hits creek because the first thing it did was to eliminate  my DVD drive . 2 or 3 things I always pay extra to get the disks when I buy software . I also like to be able to watch a move once in a while on my lap top ...also why the hell would I want to loose my DVD drive when I use SONY Vegas ..not to mention I also have other software to author discs for CD and DVD ...I go in the device mgr and try both options ...search computer for driver and search online .

It comes back saying I have the right driver installed ...yet it was invisible old OS ...a windows search can up dry ...I go online to look up the driver for my drive and it turns out everybody w the same drive is in the same boat ....no driver ....I decided to roll back my system to the older OS VIA win software updates and it tells me Window will be restored to the previous version of OS ......Yeah Right ...I wait 20 mins and my computer goes to restart and it winds up Blue screening and saying I am missing a critical component to be able to  go forward with my restoration ....it goes into an endless cycle of a loop where it tries to restart  then it blue screens  ...on and on and on ....

I had enough I unpluged it , pulled out the battery and threw it in a draw ...

I PHUCKING Hate you Microsoft , as a company you feel you always have the right to constantly shove $hit at my hardware forcing things on me  I don't want period .

any one here wants to Judge me go right ahead ...there is a reason I kept my HD recorder and I still use an old Mac sometimes when I record my music ....that stuff actually works  also  I keep my chops up to the point where  I only want to do one or two takes  at most ...trust me man  I don't use or need comping and a few things some people  like  use ...I'm not saying there is anything wrong w that stuff or the people that like to use it ....The thing is I come from a merit based performance background..... if i can't play it and sing like a little birdie like a Bald  Eagle  tweeting in the sky I don't try to record it plain and simple ..I'm at the point where I would rather shake my ***** in a $hit bar for peanuts live than sit here and try to compete with every internet producer and expert .....used to be guitars player were a dime a dozen now it's music experts that can;t play and music producers ....

anyway that part of my rant over

Now that my computer can't start I can't even get a list of what went wrong as per their little BS messages + what  my fricking hardware drive version is shheesh I'm seriously considering moving on down the road .


Edited by kennywtelejazz
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" because the first thing it did was to eliminate  my DVD drive ."

When I first upgraded from 7 to 10, I also lost my CD/DVD drive. I already had an external drive so I just used that.
On some subsequent update, it began working. Weird. 

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16 minutes ago, 57Gregy said:

" because the first thing it did was to eliminate  my DVD drive ."

When I first upgraded from 7 to 10, I also lost my CD/DVD drive. I already had an external drive so I just used that.
On some subsequent update, it began working. Weird. 

Yeah that does sound weird .



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1 hour ago, craigb said:

If it saved a restore point, maybe you could go back to that then turn updates off?  (If you have the Pro version and not the Home version that is.)

The only way to really turn updates off is to disable the network!!! And that gets more and more impossible with all those software providers that really don't support real offline installation! So in fact those software providers (no names) cause such issues! ? I don't wanna total all the hours that I have spent/lost to fix such Microsoft update problems. And each time when I look at the changes protocol of MS I get angry, because there is almost nothing that I really wanted! Just annoyance for nothing at all! I hate MS (but Apple is surely no alternative)!

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1 hour ago, marled said:

I hate MS (but Apple is surely no alternative)!

I have the joy of now dealing with both.

So far MS has not destroyed anything major for me. I have lost access to my (more conveniently located) external USB3 CD/DVD writer a while back, but TBH I burn so few that it's not anything major (like that song you were learning Kenny).


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You could try disconnecting the drive, then running windows with it disconnected and then reconnecting the drive, see what it does. If the DVD is too old, could get a new DVD drive or if it's a laptop, get an external one, they are pretty cheap. To get out from where you are now, you could use the windows 10 disc/USB (if your computer can boot from USB), change the boot sequence in BIOS to DVD/USB and then boot from that and when it starts select the recovery/repair.


Or the various ways to do a reinstall, there is an option to completely reinstall windows but keep all your stuff:


You probably just need to do a repair and then upgrade the DVD burner.

Edited by Tezza
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To make a long story short I have spent the great deal of the past half day trying to fix my computer ...let me back track ...and offer the cliff note version of my story

I was on Win 10 1511 ....my computer was air gaped most of the time and when I went online it was not for to long ...typical musical software updates like people that don't bring the DAW  online ...also was set to  a metered connection ...for some odd reason yesterday while I was doing music it came at me aggressively notifying me to  let it do a bunch of restarts ...I let windows do its thing and for 2 hours it started , restarted , started restarted ...I knew I was in deep $hit because I was given no other option to choose any other choice ...I go from Win 10 1511 to Win 18xxx something ...at that point it was functioning and after poking around a bit I had lost my DVD drive and a few other things were simply not the way I wanted them ....I wasn't happy about 6 GIGS of my HD getting used up either ..

I go into win update section I roll back and that's when everything ht the fan ....I could post shots of the various blue screens of my computer going from and endless hell of starting and restarting only to keep blue screening ad infinity ...I'm sure most of the people that tried to help know them ...

anyway a guy in a u tube video showed a hack to get it to stop doing the start & restart blue screen from hell cha cha cha ...to my utter amazement it worked

( I was 4 hours in trying to fix the thing )

I had successfully gotten back  my old OS  and my DVD  drive was  now working   ....So what do I do? I get happy and I decide to keep that computer online , check my e mails and hit a few forums ....Also listened to the tune I had just recorded VIA the actual session that I thought I lost ....life was good ....or so I thought .

A half an hour in  I start getting large nag screens from MS telling me I have to let MS take control of my system VIA a Windows repair notification.......OH man  once again there was no opt out  other than an hour later .

I threw up my hands in utter disgust  ......this section is left blank

3 hours later the thing finally presents me w my log on screen  and I say to myself  I bet they updated my  comuter once again w out my consent .....

Sure enough they did ...now I'm on Win 10 64 ..1903 ......still no DVD drive and thanks for using up over 8 GIGs of my computers HD space ..

At this point I surrender / walk away  so I can live to fight another day  ..I have a thousand metaphors  I could say to justify  how  I feel I choose not too  for now  ...My computer now works or so it seems ...Also I want to cap this post off on a high note .....SO I got a doobie of the good green waiting for me ?

Thank you to each and every one of you  that tried to help me ...it means a lot ... ?



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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I'm having a hard time remembering  if this computer has gotten one of those ... In contrast I have gotten various notifications  for  my other computer  that is up to date  ...

Either way , knock on wood it seems to be running good ...still no working DVD drive ...

I can't wait to Nuke the 24 GIGs windows placed on my computer  that  is showing in disk clean up as files that can be cleaned from Windows up dates ....

For now that will be a Purgatory of sorts ...I like the option of maybe being able to roll back if I have to ...so I'm not gonna clear those out for a while .



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2 hours ago, Øyvind Skald said:

Can we get Sonar as it is for Linux, with all all drivers, Vsts and all working?

I would switch in a second.....

The Mac *cough* port was a dismal failure. I doubt seriously that a Linux port is on the horizon in our lifetime*.

* I was wrong about SONAR never going to Mac, so take my prediction with a grain of salt.

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I'm surprised Kenny's computer didn't try to upgrade itself earlier though: build 1511 is the November patch from 2015 - I was under the impression that each patch is only supported for 18 months, which is probably why it updated to 18xx first of all.

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