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Stutter Edit 2 released plus Upgrade deal


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I hated having to use a midi keyboard to use this, or painstakingly writing in midi in a day long game of trial and error.  The 'auto' upgrade seems to address this- i think.  That upgrade price is to my disliking.  

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  On 6/24/2020 at 8:57 AM, Souterrain said:

JRR is listing it at 99,-$. I'm afraid 79,- is the deal price for the time being.


JRR code "group" brings this down to $83  

odd that they aren't as competitive as izotope - I suspect this will come down a bit when the dust clears :).  I'll keep an eye on audiodeluxe and pluginboutique

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Looking at Izotope's upgrade page, it say that the "was" price is $US199.00, not $99.00 as stated on PluginFox

So, according to Izotope the full price is $US199.00 , whereas the upgrade price is $US79.00...  which is actually a 60% discount.

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Years owned Stutter Edit: 5 years, 4 months,
Number of times I've used Stutter Edit in an actual musical piece: 0

I'm waiting for them to fix BreakTweaker's awful performance (and make the UI resizeable).  That I actually might be willing to pay $79 for.  But Stutter Edit, while cool, is not worth more than $29 in today's market.

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£68 at pluginboutique about $83 at xe.com conversion - you get about £5 in rewards 

$71 at audiodeluxe  - with code summer2020 - but they're not happy about selling to the UK :(

Edited by simon
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  On 6/24/2020 at 3:15 PM, cclarry said:

I think Izotope got wind my rant.  I went to check my account and I know have


Loyalty Offers...and I own just about everything!


As you probably know - their upgrade offers are pretty useless - I’m the same and I have everthing, including exponential stuff  but they still offer weird, overpriced upgrades to stuff I already have 


PS stutter edit 2 has a resizable gui at last - all Plugs should have that IMO 


PPS - dunno what your rant was (none of my business !) but I’ve always found them pretty good if you email their sales direct - they can normally give you a good deal 

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  On 6/24/2020 at 3:20 PM, simon said:

As you probably know - their upgrade offers are pretty useless - I’m the same and I have everthing, including exponential stuff  but they still offer weird, overpriced upgrades to stuff I already have 


PS stutter edit 2 has a resizable gui at last - all Plugs should have that IMO 


PPS - dunno what your rant was (none of my business !) but I’ve always found them pretty good if you email their sales direct - they can normally give you a good deal 


Previous to my 'Rant" I had over a dozen loyalty offers...I agree they are useless, but they were there...
Now they're gone.  Maybe it's this way for everyone...but IDK

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  On 6/24/2020 at 12:22 PM, Matthew Sorrels said:

Years owned Stutter Edit: 5 years, 4 months,
Number of times I've used Stutter Edit in an actual musical piece: 0



I'm in the same boat.  I bought it off of KVR a couple of years ago for $20 or so.  I've never used it, but it is fun to spend a Friday night playing around with it.  Cheaper than a movie and popcorn these days.

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  On 6/24/2020 at 3:51 PM, cclarry said:

Thanx Terra!   I just thought it odd, but since it's more than just me, I recant!  LOL


I think it makes for a better story that they removed all loyalty points from you and anyone associated with you Like Terra.  For me they snuck in and removed all the beer from my fridge ..the nerve.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it :)

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  On 6/24/2020 at 3:15 PM, cclarry said:

I think Izotope got wind my rant.  I went to check my account and I know have


Loyalty Offers...and I own just about everything!


LOL, I was wondering what the gripe was with them. That happened to me a while back so I sent them an email asking if there was middle ground between 5 dupes and nothing. Response was fix browser settings. Didn't work, but get a customer support survey I blew off.

I got a laugh from a survey last month asking me why I haven't checked Dialog Match when I own RX7 Advanced. That got blown off too, and expired before I thought to respond "Because you self-terminated." Missed the boat on that dig.

I do not chase people down to give them money EVER. 

Last upgrade train I had been on committed seppuku. Problem solved.

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Thinking that BreakTweaker 2 can't be far behind. After all, they did swell the ranks of potential upgraders a couple of months ago when they were selling it for $9. It's become my favorite new thing.

Break Tweaker 2, maybe some prettier, resizable GUI's for the Exponential line, get them on the iZotope authentication mechanism, that could shake a few shekels out of the crowd.

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