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Puns Anyone? Got 'em? Post 'em.


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12 hours ago, craigb said:

Some people might have a tissue with that joke Bob! 😁


7 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

Booger them. It's snot nice to pick on people.


3 hours ago, craigb said:

That just blows! 😁

Boy you guys... never let a opportunity go by!!



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Some maths puns.

What do you get if you cross a sheep with a goat?

Mod sheep mod goat sin theta n-hat


What do you get if you cross a sheep with a mountaineer?

You can't cross a vector with a scalar!


What's purple and commutes?

An Abelian grape.


Why did the cat fall off the roof?

Its mu was too small.


Teacher: Who can give me a sentence starting with 'I'?

Johnny: I is...

Teacher: No, Johnny, you must always start a sentence with 'I am'.

Johnny: OK. I am the square root of minus one.


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