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Barry Seymour

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This was the first song I recorded in Cakewalk four months ago. Perhaps I was overly ambitious. Anyway, I just listened to it again two weeks ago and it was like finding a moldy loaf of bread in the cupboard. I've learned SO MUCH since then.

So I decided to record it again!

And here it is.

New Stuff:

  • Strings on the middle eight!
  • Better integration of harmony vocals
  • MUCH better drum track
  • Better sound and compression on the bass

Feedback welcome.


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  On 6/15/2020 at 2:16 PM, DeeringAmps said:

First, smart to post the original for comparison.
So much better, much impressed.
Technique is starting to catch up with your songwriting.

My advice; lather, rinse, repeat...





It does feel a bit crowded.. there are a LOT of tracks here. I feel I've made good progress in trimming and thinning so all the tracks can coexist.

I also did a new thing -- after I mixed and mastered using headphones, I reviewed it again using my phone earbuds. Made some tweaks so it sounded better there.

Edited by Barry Seymour
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A song as good as this deserves the best treatment you can give it, and you've made this much better!  The only thing that stands out to me is the drums, and I think they just need some attention to dynamics so as not to sound too static.  Sometimes it's just a matter of reducing the volume on certain hits, or varying the volume a tad, like on the snare.  However, this is a good song, with a very good vocal, and it sort of sells itself and puts you in the spotlight.

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