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Mp3 player with shuffle that don't "replay"?


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Someone know of a good candidate for this?

All software mp3 players i've tested usually can shuffle the songs but no one seems to use any type of database to avoid playing a song that has been played before.

For example if i have 500 mp3 songs, a played song shouldn't play again before the other 499 unique songs have been played.

Would be nice with something smaller/simpler than winamp and vlc. It should just play thru a filelist with songs. No other options needed.

Should work with windows 32 and 64 bit.

PS. My main desktop have winamp and it have the ability to sort the filelist to get a random playlist. That kind of works also.

I also checked CbB and Reaper. Seems they don't like to play chains in their mediabrowsers.

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I use several players for different reasons, but Foobar 2000 is my main player (good for converting files and changing tags too!).

  • Media Monkey - iTunes on steroids and even more steroids - only media player that can handle my collection of over 350,000 songs - does everything!
  • Foobar 2000 - I keep hundreds of songs ready to play on this
  • Windows Media Player - I use this with small playlists, usually for my brain/mind .mp3's
  • Windows Groove Music - ONLY used to play a single .mp3 from a folder - COMPLETELY useless otherwise
  • VLC - My primary video player, I very rarely might use it for audio
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Ok. I know of Foobar.

I'll check it out. It probably comes with a ton of options. Lets see how easy it is to strip down.

I really, really don't need album art or artist info etc.

I'm right now testing Musicbee on my other desktop. Shitload of (for me) unnecessary album, categories, album art, artist, and other info. The files themself is in a little corner easily missed. Options for handling of files is hard to find. :(

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I guess I used Winamp since the late 1990's, so I looked into Foobar a couple of weeks ago and got it. So far I like it a lot (although I'm still very new to it) and seems to be very customizable and should suit your needs. Here are a couple of videos that got me started and shows where to download and customize it.





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3 hours ago, CoveCamper said:

I guess I used Winamp since the late 1990's, so I looked into Foobar a couple of weeks ago and got it. So far I like it a lot (although I'm still very new to it) and seems to be very customizable and should suit your needs. Here are a couple of videos that got me started and shows where to download and customize it.





I stopped watching this one after about 15 seconds when he said "...better sound quality". 

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Soo...Musicbee is out and FOOBAR is in!

It was easy to strip down to only a playlist and sort that playlist with "randomize". ?

Very nice minimalistic style with only 3 columns. Playing, file name and duration. ?

Very good scanning speed of the song folder. ?

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