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SONG: Shedding


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Here's my first Coronavirus Lockdown output.

It's called "Shedding" and you can here it here:

This one features FUZZ - as in real Fuzz pedals ?
Played with my Strats and Tele (sometimes through a Leslie)
Trilian Acoustic Bass
Superior Drums
The usual Suspects...

Please let me know what you think...

Don't forget - Download CDs (including my newest one "Pull the Other One")
Are still available at https://www.cdbaby.com/Artist/JohnBraner
and all the normal streaming services.
CDBaby won't be selling physical CDs anymore - so just contact me if you want one - or look on Amazon or Apple etc.

Edited by jbraner
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Overall I'm in at 1/2 a ?.
I've mentioned on the forum before when I see a tune this long I'm looking for ways to shorten it up.
I noticed you tagged it "Instrumentals - Film Music" so I can see it playing under the credits as I exit the auditorium.
And at the 5ish minute mark things changed...
But that's my 1/2 a ? rationalization.

Which kit in Superior?
Maybe shoulda asked that first ??
MODO sounds pretty damn good.

Won't ask which fuzz, frankly I don't miss my Arbiter atall.
You did certainly get usable tones, that I must admit.


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Hi Tom,

Thanks a lot for listening and for your comments.

First of all, I made a major f*&% up - it's not MODO (that's the next somg) it's the Trilian Acoustic Bass! (I edited the original post).

Drums are a DW kit from the Darkness SDX (my fav at the moment).

I know nobody likes long songs - but I do. And this is supposed to be like coronavirus - so it sticks to you and won't go away ;)

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The smallest of crits is the drums feel too dry (for my taste).  Maybe just a smidge of verb on the snare would give it some flavor.

Guitar fuzz tone is retro-cool. Tones changeup was welcomed. 

Moody and foreboding for sure.

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