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Forever Man

mark skinner

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Mark . . . it's such an easy groove, that flows along with elegance . . . your guitar work, as always, is subtle and superb. My only song suggestion would be to accentuate the "Forever Man" (hook) more, make it stand out a bit more somehow . . . maybe a louder harmony vocal part, maybe a musical change up of some sort, away from the groove. I really like it simple the way it is, but casual listeners might need the hook to stand out more. Either way, I'm sure this song will do very well wherever it ends up !

. . . because it just sounds so great

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Yep, the guitars are magic in that mix, and I can hear the drums breathe. Great great stuff!

You have an 8 measure intro, it could be 4.

at 1:02 you have a four measure interlude, it could be 2.


Overall the bass guitar - what's the plan there? I think I heard one but it's pretty soft in the mix. I know it's not rock, so subdued bass is fine, but dude that's pretty subdued  :)


such a great mix - I hope the Nashville committees don't double the tempo and add the crossover hiphop du jour.


cheers, and good luck with it!


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Another hit Mark!

9 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

Overall the bass guitar, I think I heard one but it's pretty soft in the mix

Bass is fine on the Bose cans here, but they do tend to hype the low end.



9 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

hope the Nashville committees don't double the tempo and add the crossover hiphop du jour


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Mark, I can picture this in a C&W music video.
Same as noynekker above, I wanted the Forever Man part to stand out more and really hit the emotions, maybe by double tracking or adding some strings. But IDK you have such a great country voice that conveys the emotion behind the words really well, so probably better keeping it the way it is. So never mind.
Hope you do well with it in Nashville.

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Fantastic suggestions so far. I agree with cutting the intro and getting it started sooner. I also thought the bass was low after listening more. It's There but not straying from the kick much and a little buried . It really gets lost when the vocals come in. This guy is really good about pulling a hook out of a simple song. Uses his own band to rerecord and uses pro demo singers before trying to shop the songs around. This may be another dead end , but he approached me about working with him. If it doesn't play out I'll redo it using everyone's suggestions and keep it for myself and give it away. All suggestions are welcomed and listened to. I only have 2 ears of my own. You guys are great.  Thanks ...  mark 

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This is a beautiful song but the mix and arrangement need a few tweaks, Tom's suggestions are good, it would be nice to hear a little more of the Bass line.  Could I suggest a change in the drum groove when you hit the chorus, just to bring it more to the listeners attention.  That title is a great hook line but you need to deliver it with more intent, possibly even give it a 1 or 2 bar pause before delivery.

Finally I am not a country music fan but if you made a few tweaks to this I would consider buying it, thanks for sharing.

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