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Love The George Benson Ibanez ? you have there Bill .


Tarzan Want ....heck if my Valentines Day keeps going the way it is, I can probably take all my unused  Date Money and Get One ....

Hhhmmm , can I grind my own beans for a while   to get a sweet guitar I have always wanted ? ...hell yeah ....


Tarzan over and out ?

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32 minutes ago, Kenny Wilson said:

Love The George Benson Ibanez ? you have there Bill .


Tarzan Want ....heck if my Valentines Day keeps going the way it is, I can probably take all my unused  Date Money and Get One ....

Hhhmmm , can I grind my own beans for a while   to get a sweet guitar I have always wanted ? ...hell yeah ....


Tarzan over and out ?

Is "grinding your own beans" a euphemism for dating or a money saving strategy?

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911 , whats your emergency ?

It's Valentines Day and I do not have a date ...

OK sir , have you tried " Rent A Friend " ? they may be better equipped  to assist you in solving your problem ...The 911 number is only to be used for an emergency ...

Alright , I didn't know and  I'm real sorry to have  bothered you ....

Sir , It wasn't too much of a bother. It has been a slow night at the call center  so far ...I had the time to chat w you  as rare as that is  ...also I like reaching out to the community and trying to help sooth a troubled soul .

Oh cool , is there any way you might feel like helping me get over some of my troubles by getting together with me after you get off work to have a late night cup of coffee ?

I'm sorry , I can't do that but I will keep you in my warmest thoughts tonight as I work through my shift  . I sincerely hope that you can get through this situation over  to the other side .... 

I'm sorry if I had crossed a line ...

No you didn't Sir , it has been my complete pleasure  to have served you in the only capacity I can as a  temporary rest stop for you to collect your thoughts  .

Whew , I'm glad to hear I didn't  cross any lines with you mam ...

Well Sir , you have a good night .

Thank you very much you too ......



DUKE ! where the heck did you hide all my clean rags? and the brand new jar of Coco-butter ???????


hehehhehhehhe , I'm not telling you Kenny , Now take me out for a long walk and when your done cleaning up my poop remember it will be time to bring me home and feed me my big meal of the day ...


Ay Carrumba  I can't win no matter what I do around here  I may as well just practice my guitar  and do a little recording in BandLab...

after playing the guitar for about an hour .....

Hello operator can you please give me the number for"Rent A Friend "

(note to self , I sure hope they take grocery store coupons ...or else I'm in deep dooo  dooo for tonight  date wise )





Edited by Kenny Wilson
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