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Chords not playing in Staff View

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I'm new to Cakewalk, I've can generate music using using the piano roll and step sequencer, and writing the notes in Staff View. However, when I add chords in Staff view, they light up as the play head passes, but don't generate any output. I hear the chord if I preview it in Chord Properties,  but not when paying. I assume I'm making a school boy error, or are the chords just for show? I want to be able to transcribe my existing chord progressions into Staff view and use these to generate the actual notes.

Thanks in advance,


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From http://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=Cakewalk&language=3&help=Notation.22.html  (emphasis added)


The Staff view lets you add and edit chord symbols, dynamic markings, hairpin symbols, and pedal events. Like notes, these symbols are placed in the score with the Draw Freehand tool. They can be selected, cut, copied, pasted, deleted, and dragged and dropped. With the exception of pedal marks, though, these symbols have no audible effect; they serve only to enhance and clarify the printed score.


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1 hour ago, Carlton Matthew said:

Thanks, I'd spent hours trying to find why they didn't play. The documentation doesn't make it clear they're only for show.

Great tunes Greg, keep it up.

Thank you, but I'm 63 now and that makes it difficult to keep it up. ?

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So, you seem to know chords on the guitar. Open the Staff view and then the Fretboard view and enter the notes of the chord on the fretboard. Then they will play, assuming you have the MIDI track's output set to a valid port.

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