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?Dynamic Waveform Awesome!?


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First of all, to everyone at Bandlab that was working on this - A tip of the hat, what amazing job indeed. When I first requested this back in January, I didnt think it will happen this year  - seeing that the pandemic limits certain area's and departments every where around the world. 

Secondly: Can I just request another feature to this? I've explained most right here on the other side of the link ? 

Would it be possible to get rid of the envelope with this? Reason for this is . . . 

When going in to do surgical work it is highly crucial that the overall levels stay exactly the same and intact without the slightest difference in volume. I have done some playing around with this, going deep with the wave and instantly caused the envelopes coming into the nodes to slightly slope down. That is bad, being so used to doing things quick. 

So by removing the envelope lane to increase or decrease the volume just by highlighting a region "Left click on the mouse while holding down."  Think it be a much safer working environment. 

Even with the already highlightinh of region scrolling up to move the envelope down/up cause problems as it sometimes move the entire envelope. I pray in good spirits this translate over positively. 

Again - Amazing job. ? 

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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As an extension to this, I'm constantly using clip gain envelopes to bring up or down tiny little bits.

IE: the vocal / dialogue was just a hair to soft or loud for one word and I don't want to smash the whole thing with the compressor. So I quickly make 2 envelope dots on the left of where I'm adjusting and two on the right and then drag the bar in the middle up or down to taste. 

If I could just select the wave form that I want to adjust and just using a modifier key, like alt+click and drag the waveform up or down without having to mess with clip gain automation, I'd be eternally happy. I'd pay $100 right now for that feature to be built in. 

Edited by Josh Wolfer
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1 hour ago, Josh Wolfer said:

As an extension to this, I'm constantly using clip gain envelopes to bring up or down tiny little bits.

IE: the vocal / dialogue was just a hair to soft or loud for one word and I don't want to smash the whole thing with the compressor. So I quickly make 2 envelope dots on the left of where I'm adjusting and two on the right and then drag the bar in the middle up or down to taste. 

If I could just select the wave form that I want to adjust and just using a modifier key, like alt+click and drag the waveform up or down without having to mess with clip gain automation, I'd be eternally happy. I'd pay $100 right now for that feature to be built in. 

Lol. You're rephrasing what I said here and in the link. ?  We speaking the same tongue, just translating things differently. When I asked this back in January 2020 I said the exact same thing. Here we are with the visual side of it. "Yay-Me" 

Decrease /increase of region volume with a slider of knob when doing surgical tweaks just by holding down a key, or drag up/down (as what is in the original post.) This would be just an "Add-on" feature, where the DAW does the crossfades automatically without the envelope. 

This will then be an Add-on feature and not replacing the envelope feature. Option to use both will still be there. 

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3 hours ago, msmcleod said:

Isn't what you're both describing exactly what clip gain automation is?

I don't get it - you want two types of clip automation?

Not quite. I need to make equal adjustments, but what I don't need is to create elaborate paths do do so. I'll create a video to show the workflow. It'll make sense once you can see it. 

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4 hours ago, msmcleod said:

Isn't what you're both describing exactly what clip gain automation is?

I don't get it - you want two types of clip automation?


Had to edited this: 

As I was making a Gif. I realised, Cakewalk can do this already. ? Just a forgotten feature. I have gotten so used to doing it with the  automation side of it. Where you go to Clip Automation followed by Gain, highlight a region, move to the top of the waveform and move it down. 

The "Static" clip gain I was talking about - is already there. Do a cut on both side of the problem region, hold down Ctrl and drag. ?? How could I forget that? 

aka clip gain/event gain. 

I deeply apologize. It's a forgotten feature by me.

I owe you.

Edited by Will_Kaydo
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