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ReValver Amp Store Sale

Larry Shelby

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Revalver is one of the few amp sim suites that hosts other VSTs.  This is something that could be very useful for people who use multiple hosts and don't want to set up device chains/track templates multiple times.  Or people who have found that NI's Choral and Replika sound pretty good on guitar.



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Well . . . I would say yes, some of them are excellent, I found I actually preferred them to TH-U's rigs, having said that, I never really actually used them ?, or Revalver itself for that matter, I did mess around with them from time to time, but always ended up elsewhere, and I have sold my TH2/TH3/TH-U + 8 Rig packs.

Bare in mind you will need the ACT Combo first to use any of the Amp Clones, it's only $19.99 now, I seem to recall it was more like $39.99 or $49.99 way back when I purchased it. The amp clones themselves are cheap, they show now at $2.99 with $5.99, they were always $2.99 when I purchased them from the Peavey Amp Store way back.

Make of that what you will ?

Edited by ensconced
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I see they have 2 new amp clones, Mezabar Zero OD and Flathill TransAtlantis which I was going to check out, but they would just end up used for a time and then left as I return to my regulars. Still might give them a try  at only $5.99 each.

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5 hours ago, ensconced said:

I found I actually preferred them to TH-U's rigs, having said that, I never really actually used them ?, or Revalver itself for that matter, I did mess around with them from time to time, but always ended up elsewhere, and I have sold my TH2/TH3/TH-U + 8 Rig packs.

What are you using now? I'm asking because I'm nearly on  the same situation (sold TH-U+RigPacks and tried Revalver)

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I haven't checked if they have updated the old ones (Peavey Era) but I think the only ones with the DI versions are the 2 new ones I mentioned above, I have all the others and it was never included in the Peavey era. Would be good if they all had this, but the task may be to great after the fact perhaps.

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17 hours ago, filo said:

What are you using now? I'm asking because I'm nearly on  the same situation (sold TH-U+RigPacks and tried Revalver)

I use a few different ones ?, I have owned practically every amp sim known to man, and the few I didn't own I demo'd thoroughly. It's only been of recent times I have started demoing instead of purchasing everything outright. I did prefer owning the product so I could return to it at anytime I liked to re access without running into the expired demo syndrome (that does get expensive). Lately I have been thinning the heard and either giving away or selling those that I don't use and know I will never really use, only keeping those that are in constant use. I still keep checking all the new releases for the next addition though.

IMO there isn't an amp sim that sounds good on it's own, in standalone mode so to speak, all the amp sims I use are included in pretty extensive FX chains, otherwise I wouldn't even bother using them, they all sound like crap and I would rather go through the inconvenience of dragging out my amps and cabs and mic's and go through the mic'ing process etc than to use sims if they had to be used on their own. But over the years I have found a good FX chain that makes them actually sound good (of course tweaks and changes are required for different sims or amps in sims etc), so I'm happy with that, and the convenience of amp sims is an huge added bonus.

Best thing is to demo demo demo, and don't listen to much to others opinions, yours may well be different, a lesson I relearned myself only yesterday. Of course by all means read what others say, but in the end it comes down to you, your personal needs and likes etc.

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Got to agree with ensconced. Mostly maybe because ears and brain are too deaf of not sophisticated enough to hear the glory.

The amp sims and cabinets always hit me as some eq variant that never gets near the mark of the real thing. Doesn't matter what designer cab I chose, what mic or where it is placed. Just eq and a few millisec delay L/R to mimic change in mic position. Can do the same permutations with a decent parametric eq and a generic stereo "enhancer".

Probably missing a lot, but same thing became apparent as I went into a dead end feast amassing my gigabytes collection of reverb convolution IR's.  Got to a point where I realized that they all sound the same, just a difference in short or long.


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5 hours ago, John K said:

Probably missing a lot, but same thing became apparent as I went into a dead end feast amassing my gigabytes collection of reverb convolution IR's.  Got to a point where I realized that they all sound the same, just a difference in short or long.

You too then?  ?

Actually, I do notice some difference, but usually very little (especially between IRs just differing in distance from cone, for example).

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Hi Kevin,

You right that there are some differences. I looked at the wasteland of my IR's hoarded over time. Tried to reconcile the insane number of files I have accumulated versus the utility, or really the end point using of any of them to make a difference that justifies the excess.

Realized that I had to break the box. Gigabytes of a  thousand lexicons that sound the same as a thousand biscottis, that sound like a thousand other die for impulses that no one can make music without. Jeez... Getting too old for this, but realizing that a very few basic IR's cover about all the ground needed to actually produce something without getting lost in the wasteland of chasing the perfect tone before we can create anything.

Will post a download site once I sober up enough. Took a long church cathedral and warped the hell out of it. Reversed, pitch shift, flanged independent rates right and left stereo. Not your father's IR. Then did an inspiring IR translation from a university project to record the longest reverb trail so far discovered. Took the thing and done an IR about half a minute long. Cut off the last minute or so.

Going back to the ancient rock n' roll masters and what they had to work with. They had a Fender spring reverb and a couple tone controls. Only so much time to micronize the settings. Had to create. Not the luxury we have today to get lost in the wasteland of chasing the perfect sound without actually creating the perfect sound. On that note, saw a good word of wisdom somewhere that advised that the idea of perfection will never happen but the chase can keep us strangled trying to reach it. Idea was, get it out the door while we still can. Will never be perfect but if we try to realize perfection, nobody will hear us.


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So I decided to get the 2 new Amp Clone packs, the MEZABAR Zero OD and the FLATHILL TransAtlantic, sooooooo glad I did, they are excellent, especially the DI versions, with your own cabs, they sound awesome, not that the others with 'baked' in cabs don't sound good, they do, but for me the DI versions are where it's at.

At a whopping $3.60 each and $5.99 regular, certainly excellent value, something OVERLOUD could take into account, and these arguably sound better. IMO they already did, but now with the DI versions . . . . ye ha. I just wish all the old ones that I have would get updated with DI versions, but I doubt that will happen. I sure hope the new company continues to put out more and keep developing ReValver. ReValver was on the 'not to be installed again' list for me, but if they keep making releases and improving things, I'll have to keep it around, these 2 new amps have already saved it for me :)

Just remember, you will need the ACT Combo Module to use the Amp Clones, its $19.99 now and whatever with the 40% off code, AMR40

Edited by ensconced
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I gave in and got a couple of the amp packs including the Fender Deluxe, Morse, and Laney.

I noticed something odd though.  The cleans sound great with my single coils/split coils, but when I play them through humbuckers, I get clipping.  Not good pushing-amp clipping, but more like a click with some static.  If I put a drive box in front it sounds like it should, and the crunch sounds seem alright.  It's just the cleans that give me that problem.

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I have never got anything like that, I pretty much always use humbuckers, rarely split the coils, even on my Schecters with active EMG's it was always fine from memory. I'll go through those 3 amps you mention above and see how it goes with various guitars.

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