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By Your Side - RexRed


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Hi, Rex,

This is a beautiful ballad, well written and arranged, great instrumental performances, and excellent vocals and harmonies!?

The mix is fantastic.  Wide, clear and fresh sounding, totally pro and it sounds radio-ready to me.

Excellent work, Rex, great song!?

Have a good one!

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Just listened to the first part and I have to agree with both posts above. Let it go, it's finished! : )

At the chorus now and my opinion has only improved. Guitar solo now. Fits in well. Listening to finish. Yep let this one go. It's baked!


Great harmony at the end.

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I've always been a sucker for a good vocal, and this has it in spades.  As everyone has said, the mix is clear and wide and very professional sounding.  Yet, I miss one element that Tom alluded to, and that's depth.  The harmonies are good and strong and well panned, but they seem to be competing for the lead in volume, as if they are all standing side by side.  It's good to let some harmonies stand back a tad behind the lead vox to give it a more 3 dimensional sound, like you've done with the piano and strings.  It helps with the overall dynamics of the song, imo.  Otherwise, a great song and performance.  A gem waiting to happen.

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