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de esser

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Open the ProChannel on that track, right-click on the blank space at the top, got to Insert module -> Style dial FX -> Smoother. Give it a go.

To open the ProChannel, go to Console view. At the top, under the Gain knob it says ProChannel. Tiny little arrow to the right. Click the arrow.

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10 hours ago, Nigel Mackay said:

Have a look at this list (concentrating on the Free section ?)

Deesser article

Also do a search for free deesser on YouTube.

Airwindows also has one or two good free deessers and I've had decent success with TDR Nova, a dynamic EQ. Maybe it's just inexperience on my part, but I've never been totally happy with simply using a deesser on a lead vocal. So I use clip gain to get sibilance and plosives in check for lead vocals and a deesser to catch anything I missed or didn't reduce enough. Backing vox just gets a deesser and that's that. Would be nice if it was possible to copy clip gain automation for double tracked vocals...?

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Clip based envelopes may not be copied.

WRT the OP, there are quite a few threads on De-essing on the old forum. To search for these threads the use the search string

site:forum.cakewalk.com de-essing

on Google.

As far as bundled plug-ins, the Sonitus Multiband may be used as a de-esser.


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