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CbB mouse behaviour using Remote Desktop (Win10 Pro)

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Strange mouse behavior in Cakewalk (Win10 Pro and CbB running latest updates) using Remote Desktop.  Live band streaming forced us to mix the stream in another room.  We have learned that having a good room sound does always yield a good steam sound, especially with a live drummer. 


I discovered a thread on the CbB forum where someone was using Remote Desktop. 

Works great, snappy response. Feels no different than being at the DAW. 




The click-drag mouse action when grabbing a fader or pot is wonky.  The control (fader or pot) doesn't stay under the mouse.  It continues to move in the direction you start it.  I could get used to it if it was a steady move, but it will literally run away from the mouse cursor. If you don't move at all, it stays put.  The slightest move sends the control in an accelerating journey to the control’s limit.  This happens in track view, inspector, console view, and Pro Channel.  Bummer. Everything else works great.


Using the shift key slows it down, but if you make a move without it or hit caps lock instead of shift.  Zoom, there it goes.  + and - keys increment the controls just fine, but that's not as good as a smooth mouse move.


Now here’s the strangest thing, Waves, PSP, Slate, etc. plugin controls in their plugin properties window work as usual.  Smooth as ever.  


I am using Studio One 4 for the time being since it’s controls respond normally.

I want to use Cakewalk.  I don't particularly care for Studio One, but it is working.


I have tried 2 different computers. 3 different mice.  VGA and HDMI as monitors.  I have changed multiplied multiples of mouse settings on both DAW and remote computers.  Same results.


There must be a setting somewhere that instructs the control to stay attached to the cursor that is selecting it and not decide to run off on it’s own.


Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?


Baffled and seeking answers.

Thanks for any advice.


Greg O


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