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I Got Stimulated Today


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I'm content at home, although I'd much rather be working.

Leilani and I get along so well together it's like a vacation. Plus my house is on a half acre on a dead-end street with only 9 families living on it. Walking to the end and back 5 times is a mile so I can get my exercise in (3 to 4mi/day) and keep my distance from others. Since we are a duo together, we can play all we like at home, although it isn't the same without an audience. We haven't been bored yet.

We're also working on new add-on products to Band-in-a-Box. It's time consuming, sometimes frustrating, but like a good puzzle, when we overcome some of the built-in limitations of the BiaB app and make it do something musical that it wasn't designed to do, we get a sense of accomplishment.

It looks like it will be isolating this way for at least a couple of months more. The less I mix with other people, the lower my odds of getting COVID are.

My brother-in-law is a world famous doctor among other doctors and he says I don't want to get this disease. Even among those show no symptoms many have damage to their lungs, brain, heart, and/or kidneys. The damage may take years to heal at a minimum or may not heal at all.

I make my living with my lungs and brain, and I'm rather fond of my heart and kidneys too, so I don't want any damage.

Time is our only currency, we aim to spend it enjoyably.




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Glad to see that you're coping with it in a positive way. Getting out to walk is a good thing. 

Yesterday I had a bad stroke of luck. I accidentally knocked some of my wife's makeup off of the sink in the bathroom and it fell behind the toilet. No problem right? Just get it and put it back. I bent down to get it and barely touched the toilet hose. It must have been ready to blow because me merely touching it made it give away. Water was blowing everywhere.I put my finger over the broken line thinking I would be able to turn it off at the toilet valve. Try doing that with one hand while holding the leak with the other. I quickly realized since the valve hadn't been turned off in at least 5 years it was seized. I called my wife and tried to tell her to go turn off the water main. She couldn't understand where the valve was. In the end , we traded places with her doing finger duty on the break while I ran to turn off the water. During the shift change we probably lost at least 3 gallons of water onto the floor.

Long story short, I ended up in an unplanned visit to Lowes. For those in the UK, that's a large hardware store here in the US. Now tell me if this makes any sense? You can't have over 10 people in a church at one time but there were 300 people at Lowes  yesterday. Probably the worst place to be to avoid COVID-19. Especially on a weekend. Fast forward...I get the parts to fix the leak.  My wife notices another item  we intended to get on sale at a great deal. We get to the register and I pay for it. They over charged me for the item by huge amount. The clerk tells me I need to go to the help desk to settle the issue. I go to the end of another long line for the second time. Finally settled it.

I wore a mask.  I wasn't always at 6ft distance from others. I used hand sanitizer. There were lots of people there. I hope we are ok. Accidentally knocking a lipstick to the floor costed me a lot! Lesson- Stay away from the makeup!! 

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20 hours ago, Starise said:


I wore a mask.  I wasn't always at 6ft distance from others. I used hand sanitizer. There were lots of people there. I hope we are ok. Accidentally knocking a lipstick to the floor costed me a lot! Lesson- Stay away from the makeup!! 

Sounds like an interesting but PITA day.

I do hope you are disease-free.


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Thanks Notes. I guess everything is relative. We are all distant relatives, but that's another story. 

People were at that very moment lying in hospital beds in induced comas. I had a good day. ;)

This is going to sound crazy, but I think I've already had it but it didn't affect me in a serious way. I say this because I was hacking and coughing with breathing issues for a month right before the C virus was known .  The next week we were all working from home and I found out one of my coworkers had it and had to be hospitalized.  We were talking face to face within a few feet of one another before he went in. If it's that contagious I would have had it. They had to disinfect the building I work in. As a reference, a couple we know, the husband caught it and was so bad he was in the IU for three weeks. They didn't expect him to live. He finally pulled out of it thankfully.  His wife, who slept right by him every night was a carrier but never really seriously had the virus. I think this was me. Though enough time has lapsed that I would no longer be a carrier. I still wear the mask. I could be wrong. I'm not a doc, but I have a gut feeling I had it because of the timing.

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Got some good news today...according to the government, I am not elderly! Woo hoo!

Because of that, my check was for the lowest amount possible. My 19-year-old grandson got more. Me, I fall into the freewheelin' single-guy category. They know I'd just blow it all on beer and pizza.

In other good news, apparently cannabis prevents COVID-19. No kidding.

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11 hours ago, bitflipper said:

Got some good news today...according to the government, I am not elderly! Woo hoo!

Because of that, my check was for the lowest amount possible. My 19-year-old grandson got more. Me, I fall into the freewheelin' single-guy category. They know I'd just blow it all on beer and pizza.

In other good news, apparently cannabis prevents COVID-19. No kidding.

That's a bummer about the check. I don't personally do the cannabis, but I have acquaintances who do. The one thing I've learned about it that I have personally seen is if you don't use a good filter you put yourself at risk for other serious issues. It's like smoking a rolled cigarette without filters. Case in point, a young guy under 30. The son of another person I know did a lot of it and contracted lung cancer. The synthesized cannabis is especially bad. That's bad for other reasons. I'm no authority on this stuff. I have seen this first hand.

Maybe you remember the vaping issues that were found right before everyone 's attention was drawn to the  C virus.  This is another thing that was happening. You probably don't vape, but for anyone who does, there were very young people admitted to the hospital with serious lung complications because some of the fluid they were using.

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12 minutes ago, craigb said:

Yes!!!  All of those smoking hazards are exactly why I only smoke crack and inject heroin while with my Jack Daniels!  ?

Well..................just look at the Rolling Stones. When they die I doubt they will need any sort of preservation. No intelligent germ would come within 50ft of the body. 


The only side effect is you look like a cross between a human raisin and shoe leather..

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When I was in a disco band 'back then' a lot of the guys were snorting coke.

When they asked if I wanted to buy some, I'd say, "I don't do coke. It shrinks the membranes in your wallet."

But I won't put in writing some of the things I did when I was a hippie in a psychedelic band :D

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Bitflipper, I hope you know my intention wasn't intended to be anything but helpful. I figured you were probably already very aware of the pros and cons. I think I threw that out there for anyone who might read this because I hate to see people get sick from anything no matter what it is.

I didn't know anything about  CBD and thanks for the info. 

My personal opinion on the subject is we have much bigger fish to fry here in the US than such a trivial thing as cannabis. For goodness sake, why not go after the real problems? Is it abused? Anything can be abused.  I didn't come from that "culture". Wouldn't know where or how to even buy it if I wanted it as a straight product to be smoked. I guess that's because I never had the inclination. In my location at the time no one ever offered me any of it. I suppose I have been sheltered to some extent. Does that make me any better than anyone else? No. I still managed to get into plenty of other trouble without it.


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