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I Got Stimulated Today


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5 hours ago, 57Gregy said:

Thank goodness I don't currently have GAS. My musical endeavors have been suffering from inertia lately.

Yeah that's how I feel ...every time I think about spending money on gear I look around at some of the stuff I already have and go WTF ?

It is nice to be able to buy a 4 dollar loaf of bread .



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Still waiting. --  Day 56 no gigs, no stimulus money, no unemployment money, nobody cares ???

Congressman aide answers the phone, says the state won't answer his calls. The state isn't taking calls, the governor isn't calling back, but Big Biz got their share of the CARE$ money. I feel left out, neglected, picked on, and I want my mommy.

Congrats to all who got their check.


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I Am so sorry to hear that Notes.

There are days I wish I was retired but since I'll need to work for quite a few years more I'm truly grateful I have a job that is allowing us all to work from home for now.

We are software development company. Our product manages insurance policies of nearly any type. We have some hefty big hitters who rely on our software and they pay big annual maintenance fees. And then we have a slew of smaller brokers who use our product on our data center. The company has been around since 1987.

All in all that means we are in fairly good financial shape.

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On 5/11/2020 at 9:19 PM, kennywtelejazz said:


It is nice to be able to buy a 4 dollar loaf of bread .




17 hours ago, Bapu said:

So yours is subsidized?


Nah , I just buy a 6 dollar loaf every so often just to see what I'm missing .

Also I refuse to eat kitty canned cat tuna just to be able to afford the good stuff ..



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I'm glad you got a gig Bapu

I made a living most of my life following my bliss. I have the good sense to live below my means and sock money away for a rainy day. That rainy day is here, and I'll be OK.

Sooner or later the Stimulus will arrive and that will help, I have social security, and after 55 days it doesn't look like I'll get any unemployment from the CARES act, but I'll keep trying. It would help a lot.

Other than minimal car payments I have no debt, so if I don't spend a lot of money, I'll survive. And what do I have to spend money on anyway? Everything is still closed.

I'm feeling better today after an attitude adjustment. When and if bands are allowed to play again in Florida, I'll most likely be able to adapt to the new normal and Leilani and I will be able to do our second favorite thing again.

Until then, we'll just have to serenade the neighbors.

I don't plan to retire as long as I'm able to gig, and as long as someone wants us, I'll be gigging. I'm having too much fun to stop.


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I feel for you, Notes.
I have a friend who is/was a waitress. She's been covided for about 2 months and only recently began receiving unemployment. Her former (and future, hopefully) employer owns several restaurants here in Raleigh which are now take-out only, He has been providing 1 free meal a day to all of his furloughed workers and Anna has found a charity that provides free produce to any unemployed person, The Produce Project. She also gets some money from one of the many charities that arose during this crisis, I forgot which, CARES maybe? She's doing okay.
I wish you the best and hope you don't burn through your savings before it's over.

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Best to you Notes. Sorry to hear this. You have both my sympathy and my support. It has to be frustrating. Lots of my play for pay artist friends who mostly did bars and gave lessons are also hurting. The lessons are now Skype lessons instead of "in person lessons" My violin teachers are doing this. 

One of my friends who is about your age I'm guessing pulled in most of his income from gigs and, like you, probably drew Social Security on the side. He has to be hurting as well since he was playing two or three gigs minimum every day of the week non stop. Probably doesn't know what to do with himself now.

Another my friends is a pro guitarist and has a pretty good FB following  invited a bunch of us to attend a live streamed event from his home and he has a "tip jar" out.  I don't actively post on Facebook nor do I look to add friends. When I do post music links almost no one sees them. I might get two likes on something I spent 12 hours to make and mix...so I sorta gave up on it most of the time. For you though, maybe you know a bunch of people on FB? Might be something to try. Just a thought.

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Thanks Starise,

Fortunately, Leilani and I have the good sense to live below our means. The mortgage is paid off, and other than low car payments, we have zero debt. We also have a savings account and Social Security. We can exist on the social security so we're living close to the bone so as not to drain the savings any more than we have to.

When I was young I blew all my money, but as I got to my mid 30s I decided that I needed to live below my means and put a buffer away where it isn't easy for me to get to.

I got my stimulus check today, it goes in the bank tomorrow.

I have no regrets about being a career musician. I rode the good times when I was the opening act for major stars in concert and I'll ride the lean times too.

I'm luckier than a lot. I know of other musicians, bar staff, and restaurant staff that live close to the bone already plus have rent payments. I'd love to help them out but I have to protect myself and my wife.

In a way I'm better off than someone who has to work in a grocery store or meat packing plant where there is a high risk of getting COVID (counting my blessings here).

I'm thinking about some other ways to earn money in case the new normal won't support live music. Right now Leilani and I are working on some new aftermarket add-on products for Band-in-a-Box. Judging from past experience it'll take about a year to finish enough to make a nice release.

The restaurant we've been playing once a week for 12 years and 2 owners wants us back in October if bands are allowed. Of course it's not a solid commitment but I'm sure if the business is recovering, we'll be back. We have a big following there, the only catch is they are winter residents and Canadian visitors. COVID will determine if that happens or not.

Leilani and I have been in this duo since 1985 and it's really weird not to be gigging for so many weeks. It's our second favorite thing to do. :D

For those of you working, I hope you all stay healthy.

Insights and incites by Notes


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Glad to hear you're getting by. It looks like things are letting up around here some. A few people said to heck with the mayor's timelines and decided to open. 

There's no way the city can enforce it if the whole city opens.  To be clear these aren't a bunch of half cocked people. They are using the 6ft precautions and masks.

The line needs to be drawn somewhere. We can't live like this indefinitely. It' Spring time and it would take an act of God to keep people from going out and doing what they do. Precautions yes, always. I use plenty of hand sanitizer, wear a mask and watch what I'm touching in public...eh, that last comment didn't come out quite the way I intended ?

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