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A nutter synth question (plus cool videos)


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Back in the 80's, I had a friend who was the top sales manager at Sherman Clay Organs and Pianos for three years in a row.  As such, he got to demo some really nice stuff.  One of these was a "new" (at the time) Ensoniq synth that was given to him to try out (no idea which model unfortunately...).  One of the things it could do was a type of "aftertouch" where you simply held down a note for a long time and it just went off on a wild trip of bizarre sounds (still, by far, the most interesting sounds I've heard while on shrooms!?).

I'm searching YouBoob for any videos showing this effect and found a couple that sound wonderful (see below).  Hopefully, I will find one so I can ask the one question I really want to ask!  DOES ANYONE KNOW OF A SOFTWARE SYNTH THAT CAN DO THE SAME???


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9 hours ago, craigb said:

still, by far, the most interesting sounds I've heard while on shrooms!?

You should try a Yamaha TG77/SG77.

I came up with a patch* on my TG77 called "MushyHead" -  hold down 2 or 3 keys and that's it for the next half an hour. :)





* I refuse to call it a preset because that's what it isn't. Presets are the patches the machine comes loaded with ... just showing my age. :$

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