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Stop at Project End

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I have a project with about 35 MIDI tracks, no audio yet.  I've checked the event lists and staffs for every track and there is no data after measure 89.  There are no markers and no meter or tempo changes after measure 89 either.

Although I have checked "Stop at Project End", playback continues long past measure 89.  I've checked other project files and they behave as expected, they stop at project end.

I can't figure out what's causing this.  I've tried "apply trimming" and "bounce to clip" but this doesn't work.  There are no hidden tracks.  

What could be causing this?







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It depends. Lately I had a song that didnt stop where I expected. I tried all the methods we can read in this forum. No envelops or anything else.

Tried even Ripple edit without any result.

Finally I tried an old advice (2003) by Garrigus.

1. Select the clips or track or all tracks and buses

2. choose edit > delete special

3. uncheck all options. Check clip automation for track/bus envelopes

4. click OK

All envelopes will be deleted

After that  the song stopped where I wanted.

Clearly there was an envelope that didn't show.

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You can always use a midi track and open up the Event List and insert a MCI cmd. In the data box for MCI cmd type either ‘pause’ ( to pause at that point of the song) or ‘stop’ (to stop and rewind to the now time) .  Use spacebar to un pause or restart.  

Fairly recent addition to the event list, and a welcome one.


Edited by Blogospherianman
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If deleting everything to the right of the "end" of the project does not fix it, it may be a problem with the project template.

This has been reported once before, rebuilding the template seemed to be the only solution.

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