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How do I import import tracks from another .cwp into the current project?


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Without closing the new piece, open the other one. Just highlight, copy and paste from there. Make sure you are actually in the new piece and on the right track and at the right time. I had to fool with it a bit to make sure I had the right piece open when pasting, but it's pretty straightforward.

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I've tried copying+pasting, and it pasted notes on top of existing tracks, which I don't want. If I want import twenty tracks, do I have to create twenty blank tracks in the current project, choose the patches, plugins and settings I want, then copy+paste the notes? Because that's needlessly time consuming.

I tried opening both projects, highlighting the tracks I wanted to import, and dragging+dropping the tracks directly into the current project, and I was treated to this beauty demented_cirus.mp3

Edited by Sean
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Dragging the cwp file from the browser into the new project is a pretty quick way of doing it, however it does have limitations - especially with regard to synth tracks.

I've found the most reliable way of copying tracks between projects is:

1. Open up both projects
2. Select the tracks you want to copy and save them as a track template
3. In the destination project, insert the track template you just saved
4. Copy Special / Paste Special the tracks from the source project to the destination project starting at where the track template was inserted.

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  • 2 years later...

(As of Nov 2022) From looking around at other posts, I think the simple answer to the OP is there is not a track copy/import feature that works like anybody thinks it should.  The more complex your project is, the less happy you'll be with the results.  Simple things do work "okay" like audio tracks without track lanes,  envelopes, folder colors, and so on.  It would really be nice if the drag/drop feature worked better, but find myself often times reminded it's a free program and quite awesome for the price...

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5 hours ago, Tree's Studio said:

(As of Nov 2022) From looking around at other posts, I think the simple answer to the OP is there is not a track copy/import feature that works like anybody thinks it should.  The more complex your project is, the less happy you'll be with the results.  Simple things do work "okay" like audio tracks without track lanes,  envelopes, folder colors, and so on.  It would really be nice if the drag/drop feature worked better, but find myself often times reminded it's a free program and quite awesome for the price...

The way to do it without losing anything is:

1. Open up both projects in CbB
2. In the old project, select the tracks you want to copy over and save them as a track template
3. In the new project, insert that track template.
4. In the old project, copy special the tracks
5. In the new project, make sure the first track of the template is the active track, then paste special.

After pasting, you may get surplus empty tracks at the end of your new project - just delete these.

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i've been using the export feature to dump all the tracks from a MIDI/VI only project then importing and placing on my audio mix template project. similar to how i would do it if a client sent me files. since my record template has the same naming and ordering as the mix template, and then the export conveniently names all my tracks.

couple of things - set the output name as {trackname} (unless you need more complexity - like raw vs FX printed), set to follow source (stereo / mono), 24-bit (or more), and turn off the dithering.

i can then grab all the files and drag them into my project and then drag them to their respective tracks (all to zero). if you need to have them position themselves on the timeline - export as broadcast WAV.  and then use shift when moving to keep them aligned.


but @57Gregy has it correct - if you're copying from one open project to another - make sure the location and track are selected before pasting. i generally will ensure my clips are trimmed to minimise the leads and tails so i have a clear space to paste into ? 


as a note: since deciding to separate the "recording" process from the "mixing" process - i.e. get a good set of tracks recorded and all reasonably balanced - whether live or VI performances - really makes my mixing process much easier if i'm not tempted to touch the VI settings or just not having the overhead, so much smoother. and if i need to "re-record" a VI, easy enough to go to the recording project, tweak, re-export/import that track (or 2 || 3 etc.) using the same techniques for printed FX vs "DI" instrument tracks etc. and since i'm still using a very under powered laptop at the moment, the reduction in overhead from not having VI in the mix project means i have more headroom for the stuff that matters to the mix...

anyhoos my 2¢

Edited by Glenn Stanton
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