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Free Orange Tiny Terror Amp to IK subscribers

Lemar Sain

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Free Orange Tiny Terror Amp to IK newsletter subscribers

All new and existing IK newsletter subscribers are eligible from April 29th to May 6th.

To receive your free amp, join the IK newsletter and confirm your subscription between April 29th and May 6th. Next, open the Custom Shop app and you will receive a notification that the gear has been added to your account. The Tiny Terror Amp will be found in your list of owned gear and ready to play!



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I was kinda disappointed when I bought the Orange collection. The presets and volume on some amps are all way out of wack.

I definitely like Amplitube, but the one thing I don't love is that all the collections use different generations of audio engine (or whatever the proper term is)

If and when Amplitube 5 comes out it would be nice if the amps were all brought up to the same quality level. It's pretty hodgepodge as it is now.

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Worked for me. Showed up right away when I opened Custom Shop. A message stated I hade received it as a gift. Did a 'restore my gear' just in case, then went to Amplitube and its there under Orange.

Thanks IK


Edit: I didn't even received an email about it. It just showed up in CS. I saw the news on BPB and went for it.

Edited by Jacques Boileau
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4 hours ago, RSMcGuitar said:

I was kinda disappointed when I bought the Orange collection. The presets and volume on some amps are all way out of wack.

I reported this way way back, they said that they were aware of it, and basically just to build your own presets from scratch was the way to go (which is true). This was years ago, so it will likely never be fixed.

Edited by ensconced
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But be aware that you are getting just the amp, which is already nice I know, but you are not getting the 1 x 12 cab needed for the presets to work. You will be getting the dreaded preset warning for all of the presets in the orange collection under Tiny Terror. I am not complaining, just stating how it is for others to know.

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Does anyone know of a place where we can find/share presets that are properly gain-matched vs. starting all over?  There's a ton of nuance in the collections and each one requires a different touch.  I'd love to use AT4 Max more often but I end up using "similar" plugins to try to get what an AC30 or Powerball should sound like.  I look at all of the beautiful logos, amps, and cabs and then turn to other sims about a half hour later.

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First and foremost, "thank you" for the freebie IK!  Seriously very nice of you... 

Now, this just exacerbates my frustrations with the IK universe.  I now know that I need to run the Custom Shop to pick up the freebie, then it shows up in Amplitude so I can use it in my DAW.  Great.

-- (warning - rant ahead) --

However....  I am sick to death of scrolling through Presets and gear that I don't own just to get to the few that I do own so I can try and figure out how to use them only to be nagged by notices that tell me I don't own the items to make the preset work. So don''t show me the Preset! 

It's the same thing with the IK Plugins too. I  know Peter has said "this is to make it easier for the user to demo products".   I still haven't gone back after the last update to figure out which TR4 and TR5 plugins I DON'T own (again) so I can hide them in my DAW (again). It bugs the *** out of me to have to do that.  To Peter - I would argue that this sales tactic annoys the user enough that they don't want to use/buy more IK products.  (At least for me.) This is why I haven't even been tempted by the Max sale... The way IK is set up is a mess.

OK. Since I'm so irritated and shameless at the moment, it's dumb question time.  I bought the "JP Jazz CFH" cabinet in the Custom Shop last year (BTW, why there is a Custom Shop AND an online store??) and for the 3rd or 4th time now have tried to scroll through all of the options/presets in Amplitude to find it until I get so irritated I rage quit and move on to look for a different amp sim.  So please, someone, for the love of all that is holy, tell where this "JP Jazz CFH" cabinet resides. I have an irrational affection for the thing since it was the first real amp I bought when I was starting out and I sold it to pay rent when I was young and I sorely miss it. At least I think I do.  (I've got more beer in the fridge, this could get ugly-er...)  ? ?

PS. Frustrated but NOT a "hater" - the Black76 is virtually on every one of my bass tracks. Love that plugin!

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