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Free Access to MySongBook until 31st May (Guitar Pro tabs)


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Access all tabs for FREE until May 31! Useful if you own Guitar Pro to access some very high quality tabs.

You have to create an account unless you already have one.


While downloading a few tabs I also noticed that a new version of GuitarPro is available -  version (it will prompt you and ask whether you want to download)....

 Release Notes 7.5.4
What's new

  • mySongBook is available on the home page
  • GUI and display
  • Tempo is updated on the score when modified
  • Fix display of banjo tuning
  • Fix of translation errors


  • Update of the editing palette when tying notes
  • Management of disappearing ties when other notes of the chord are deleted


  • Improved playback performance
  • Stop on empty bars doesn't move the cursor at the beginning
  • Fix Count In issue in 2/2
  • Fix of a tempo which was varying randomly at every play in case of two overlapping tempos
  • MIDI devices are no longer changed when adding an additional device while the software is open
  • An automation is taken into account when playback starts after this automation
  • Relative tone is taken into account when opening the software

Import Export

  • Improvement of MusicXML import / export
  • Restoration of the export of .gpx chords
  • Taking into account the pulse unit for .gpx export
  • Management of the import of some MIDI files
  • Relative tone is exported on audio export


  • Correction of a possible crash at launch on MacOS
  • Correction of various crashes
Edited by ZincT
  • Thanks 3
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It's not actually allowing you to download the tabs... more like you can use them... check them out... and I presume they will disappear from your GP7 on June1st.

I guess they want to tempt you to purchase their tabs, so it's not a bad deal if you just want to check the quality of a tab before you purchase it.

Personally, I have never purchased a tab - I had just used GP7 to make some of my own guitar arrangements... and can't say I have really used it much the past few years.  I did play with it much more when it was GP6, but kind of lost interest in it.

Edited by Michael A.D.
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  On 4/29/2020 at 10:36 PM, Michael A.D. said:

It's not actually allowing you to download the tabs... more like you can use them... check them out... and I presume they will disappear from your GP7 on June1st.

I guess they want to tempt you to purchase their tabs, so it's not a bad deal if you just want to check the quality of a tab before you purchase it.

Personally, I have never purchased a tab - I had just used GP7 to make some of my own guitar arrangements... and can't say I have really used it much the past few years.  I did play with it much more when it was GP6, but kind of lost interest in it.


It is a nice app though. I downloaded a lot of GP tabs before they were probably threatened with legal issues.

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  On 4/29/2020 at 2:02 PM, ZincT said:

While downloading a few tabs I also noticed that a new version of GuitarPro is available -  version (it will prompt you and ask whether you want to download)....


I am glad you posted this... I opened up GP a couple times after I got their email and the song list was very scant (only about 10% were viewable). Funny thing was I saw "Father and Son" on that shortened list and chuckled "Oooh, I always wanted to learn that solo!" I only knew it from "Guardians of the Galaxy, Vol. 2" but it is a nice tune, so seeing that listed did inspire me to walk off with my acoustic and play for a couple hours. I came back in and GP was still open, so I scratched my head wondering what was the point of the score to a 5-chord song?

This update was required for me to see the full listing. I just installed that but the list is still a little odd to me. I "assumed" this was geared to be a learning tool (?), so the song choices didn't make sense for some artists.  Whomever did these must be an AC/DC fan... that listing did show even before updating the software and is one of the bigger ones present, but looks like Bach is #1. Def Leppard... just "Hysteria." 

Def Leppard stood out because of a news article about someone composing a hate-filled blog post till a friend sent him a video of Phil Collen teaching "Pour Some Sugar on Me" to kids. After he got the email, he deleted his blog work and smiled. YouTube took over the market for tutorials, I think, and the video is rather cute. (I miss Steve Clark!).


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