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Bounce To Track immediately hangs (WORK AROUND FOUND)


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I have a vocal track composed of 9 individual clips. I used Melodyne on each clip as a region effect, one clip at a time, so it was small chunks. Once I was happy with them I rendered each region effect to its clip.

Now, I'm trying to bounce that track with all the Melodyne-rendered clips to a new track so I have a single vocal take. Using Tracks/Bounce to Tracks, CbB hangs immediately at "mixing down audio" and stops responding. So, I tried to use Export Audio thinking I could use that as a workaround and export the track to a .wav file, and then bring it back into the project. Same result. CbB hangs immediately at "mixing down audio" and stops responding. 

Any ideas why this might be happening? Thanks for any suggestions... 


Edited by Billy86
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13 hours ago, Larry Jones said:

Just as an experiment, have you tried "Bounce to Clips?" But before you do that, duplicate the track with all the Melodyne renders in it, and save it somewhere safe.

Did not try the bounce to clips. Anything that required a “mixing down audio” would trigger lock up, and CbB would hang. Was able to work around by recording to an Aux track to create a composite render of the individual clips in the track to a single clip. 

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For future reference (when mixdown is not hanging), the easy way to bounce audio clips together while preserving the original separate clips (with or without active clip/region FX), and keeping everything them in the same track where you might already have special output routing, sends and FX in place is to use Flatten Comp.

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Billy86 and Larry Jones. I am having the same issue. Trying to bounce vocal audio clips (ours are in different take lanes on one track) to one clip crashes CBb for me also. Just two short 2-3 sec. audio clips with no FX on them but previously rendered with Melodyne. It just hangs and then CBb crashes. Sometimes it gives an "audio engine has shut down error" and the audio engine will not start again. I have to close CBb and restart it. The strange thing is, when I reopen it, that the clips I was trying to bounce are then visible, all bounced to one clip! When I go to bounce the next few small vocal audio clips then the same crash happens again. Previously I had bounced loads of synth and drum audio clips together at the start of a session in the same project with no problems in CBb. Just tried to bounce some guitar clips now and they bounce fine. For me, restarting CBb does not solve the issue. Restarting the computer does....until it creeps back in again over time. So the pattern here with us is that non Melodyne treated audio bounces fine but anything rendered with Melodyne does not after a certain period of time. Note that many of the non Melodyne rendered audio were also in take lanes so take lanes are not the issue here. I must try the suggestion to Flatten Comp that David Baay suggested. I will get back to you all and let you know if that sorts the problem.

Again, if I try the same project and the same technique in Sonar Platinum, I have no issues. So is this a CBb and Melodyne related issue then? It seems everything which is not Melodyne related bounces to a clip just fine in CBb.

I have been having so many issues with this latest release of CBb that I am constantly switching over to Sonar Platinum to get simple tasks like this done done.

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I have just tried the flatten comp method. The same problem. CBb crashes with a not responding message on the title bar. An audio engine has stopped message. I cannot switch it on again. Closing down CBb in the task manager has produced a "Save project message" so that is progress ?. When I reopen CBb the comp file is there and plays perfectly. So at least I do not have to restart the computer any more either.

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Look below/Go to *** For the Short version

Im a firm believer in keeping things nice, tidy and clean.

This means before I do any real work with Melodyne, I make sure all slip edit data has been finished and then I bounce that whole track to one large clip.. Using the "Bounce to CLIPS" function, not Bounce to tracks.

I then begin working with Melodyne by selecting ranges with the smart tool and then using CNTL+M to open Melodyne for just that selected range.

After I am finished each section, I use Bounce to Clips to render the Melodyne edits.

I repeat this process as many times as needed until im done, then I select the whole clip and use the Bounce to clips function again. This seems to keep everything in check.


*** Short version.... Use the Bounce to clips function (the whole track= Bounce it to one large clip Vs. 6 small ones)

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