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Live To Tell - Enough | Dealing with Anxiety During a Pandemic

Martin Barret

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My incredible wife wrote this powerful song, and for over two weeks, we've been producing this as fast as we could in order to get it out to everyone of us who are locked in, alienated, weirded out and disturbed over the situation and heartache our whole world is experiencing.

Give Nancy some love and feel free, if you like the piece, to share it wherever it is most needed or could do the most good. Free Mp3 link in the YouTube description. Thanks everyone! Stay Home | Stay Safe and be blessed, 'giving thanks in all circumstances'. Hard to do, we know ... 

Live To Tell (formerly known as 'Flagrant Regard)

Martin D.

Edited by Martin Bannet
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The music has a great message. I suggest editing your post so the YouTube link posts here as a video. Not sure why the link isn't posting as a video like most others do here.

Was this made with Band-In -A-Box? It has that nice polished studio finished feel to it which is often difficult to get in a home studio. Thanks for sharing!

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Cakewalk Sonar - Platinum. Oldie (now) but a goodie. Just a great setup at home in the basement, I think. Thank you for your interest! Not sure how to insert 'as video' ... maybe you have to have multiple approved posts for those features to open up? But thank you!


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You really know how to mix well! Nice work, especially if you didn't use Biab and still got a sound like that.

I wish I could help you on the video insert here. Usually when I post a link the video automatically posts. Could be a temporary issue with the software.


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Nice piece of songwriting here, and an uplifting message behind the bleak reality we are facing.
I'll echo that the mix is quite good.

Now the crit, and a tiny little one at that; I almost let it pass.
But, if I'm  "behind the glass" on this one

I hurt and I ache I'm aching, the world's being shaken

I know, probably should have kept that one to myself.

? ✌️


the only reason to stay with Cakewalk Sonar - Platinum, is if you are running an x86 system.
If you are running an x64 system; jump on in, the water's fine...

Edited by DeeringAmps
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