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The Rerum Humanitate

Claudio Melis

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Hi all,
here's my latest new music - video work:


* produced and directed in self-isolation and remote locations by mebitek & Jele Raus 
* in collaboration with AxAn, Carlo Porta, Mariana Millapan, Martin Chef, Veronica Sanna The 

#Quarantine project doesn’t stop. #wedontstop #wedontgiveup 

 We have reached the third part of our project Quarantine - De Rerum Humanitate (literally "On Mankind"), struggling once again to reflect on the relationship between man and nature in relation to the condition we are facing. This current phase should encourage us to consider ourselves as part of a larger process, to put aside our wild individualism and consumerism, reconsidering our freedoms, which we punctually regret and reclaim, then using them to destroy and step on what we really are and are part of.  

 * Lyrics: (Martin Chef - Jele Raus) 
Mes chers compatriotes, 
La pandémie frappe à nos portes et plus que jamais notre nation se doit d’être forte. 
Nous devons, unis, mener de front un combat ici et là-bas, et ne pouvons être définis face à l’urgence qui s’impose. 
Beaucoup d’encre coulera à propos de ce gouvernement mais je ne permettrai pas que ses représentants soient en proie à l’inaction. 
I don't know 
you I don’t feel you 
I don't know mercy 
You always ask for yourself 
You know nothing 
But your own everything 
Future is a spiral 
The curve is viral 
And my decision is final.

all music has been made with Maschine mk3 and Komple Kontrol S49 mk2

comments and feedbacks welcome
best regards from Sardinia

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  On 4/28/2020 at 4:19 PM, DeeringAmps said:

Yikes! That was disturbing.

But, in a "good" way.

Keep it up...



thx so much, glad to disturb you :D

  On 4/28/2020 at 5:24 PM, bjornpdx said:

The music fits the video (and vice versa) very well.  More David Lynch than David Lynch.
I thought Maschine was all about dance tracks but guess not.


reallt thx for comparing my work to David Lynch. _He is on of my favorite directors! I use maschine for my cinematic works and it fits perfectly my work flow cause it permits to me to play instruments directly in an easy way.


  On 4/28/2020 at 10:09 PM, David Sprouse said:

The video reminded me of some of the first iterations of MYST.  Like bjorn said, the music yields the desired effect.  So what's your frequency?


thx so much for your feedback. As we are all in quarantine I think we are in the same damned frequency. The main concept that I want to express in the video is that we are all reclaiming freedom. But are we sure that we wanna back the past freedom, the freedom to be bad humans, destroying and trample on everything?

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