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Unfiltered news from real doctors


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Absolutely love your posting these 2 video.  First rate!

I just shared them on my favorite news site where comments are allowed, and also sent them via Email to all my friends.

 Good post!

What was fascinating to observe, during the whole presentation, is how displeased the journalists were.  They love a crisis and helping the government to wield power.  What they heard is their undoing.

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Watched part of this(about15-20 minutes of part 1), and noted several items where they are not exactly being forthright. This is their comparison of COVID-19 to the flu, that confining health people to their homes has never happened before and the status of Sweden and Norway.

He stated COVID-19 is very much like the flu and the death rate is small (lots of cases, small number of deaths). He emphasized that flu deaths in 2017 were at about 45-50K in the US. As of this morning (April 26 at 7:31 am) John Hopkins University COVID-19 dashboard (https://gisanddata.maps.arcgis.com/apps/opsdashboard/index.html#/bda7594740fd40299423467b48e9ecf6) is reporting 53,934 deaths in the US. This is since they first starting tracking  on January 21, 2020. If we extrapolate the COVID-19 deaths from the first three months for an entire year (multiply the first 3 month totals by 4), we find a projected yearly death total of  215,736. That would make COVID-19 the third leading cause of death in the US, following heart disease (647,457) and cancer (599,108) (https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/fastats/leading-causes-of-death.htm).  Influenza is at number 8 (55,672 in 2017) which COVID-19 will soon pass. COVID-19 is not influenza.

He also talked about Sweden which has not done any type of lock down and their case rate.  A review of their daily reported cases on the John Hopkins site is showing that the trend for daily number of cases in Sweden is still rising (see below)


This is significantly different from what we are seeing in Norway where the trend of daily cases is on the decline (see below).


So we won't really know the difference between Sweden and Norway as it is simply too soon to tell. Could Norway see a spike? It's possible. Could Sweden flatten out after today? It may happen. The fact is we don't know yet.

This is also the issue with the models being used. Any model makes assumptions. And in the early days of COVID-19 we knew even far less than we know today. As we get more data we can make better decisions and better models. It doesn't mean anybody did anything wrong. It does mean that we are learning.

He also said that we have never before locked down society like we are doing today. That is not true either. If you research the Spanish Flu pandemic in 1918 you will see they did the exact same type of social distancing and lock downs. And they struggled with the same issues of reopening society. Baltimore did it too soon and the second wave death toll was far worse than the initial (https://www.baltimoresun.com/opinion/editorial/bs-ed-0319-1918-flu-baltimore-20200318-cu7jhknfczekfezf5kuk5g7d5q-story.html and https://www.influenzaarchive.org/cities/city-baltimore.html)

Now, there is a lot of what he stated that is true. There is much to be said about the level of lock down that has occurred in the US and elsewhere. There is much truth in that people with other healthcare conditions are not being seen and that is worrisome. The extended economic shutdown is causing negative health consequences among a number of people and that should not be ignored.

However, I think he was way off base trying to compare it to the flu. And its not just me. There were two recent studies that were released that compared COVID-19 to the flu, and both studies have been called into question (https://arstechnica.com/science/2020/04/experts-demolish-studies-suggesting-covid-19-is-no-worse-than-flu/).

I think the comparison between Sweden and Norway is still playing out and that we need to watch what happens in both countries.

To say this has never happened before is disingenuous.


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in 2 minutes or so I watched, the 'doctor' with the dark hair mentioned his 30 years of experience.

 so he was working in a hospital in his early teen years.

glad I didn't hear the other miserable *****face talking


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2 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

Let's not forget the severity of the lockdown was proportional to the utter lack of preparedness.

And to the efficacy of our federal management.

Same concept, shorter and more eloquent?

Be well everyone!


"I’m not into western medicine. That to me is a complete scare tactic. [...] The flu shot is the worst thing you can do [because] it's got mercury. [...] It doesn't prevent [the flu]. [...] f you have a flu shot for more than five years in a row, there’s ten times the likelihood that you’ll get Alzheimer’s disease."

- Bill Maher 


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The numbers and logic of what they relayed from their own hospital is the same thing we see everywhere we look.

Here's my own state.  Same conclusion.  Actually, a much better conclusion:

In Missouri, the population is 6,137,428
The infection number to date is 6,625 (that's .001 or .1% of the state of Missouri)
The number of deaths in Missouri is reported as 262.  That's .000042 or


Now... see why these 2 doctors are speaking reality.

They also showed that in Manhattan, the numbers of infections were much higher as to be expected in close proximity city, but then.... but then ... the number of deaths was again, small.  

They keep demonstrating that given the number of infections, the recovery rate is quite excellent.

And they also said lots of other logical, straight forward stuff like:

The immune system of healthy people is weakened by being quarantined.

The ability to shop at Costco or Walmart while not being able to shop elsewhere or go to your restaurant, is inconsistent.  No science to it.

And how there is pressure to attribute a death to CoVid-19 when the real cause of death was some other illness that they were dealing with for a long time.  But the statistics grabbers want to label it as a CoVid-19 death to skew the numbers further.

And then there is this study:  https://youtu.be/k7v2F3usNVA

which goes to show that there is a percentage of the healthy population  who already have antibodies to the CoVid-19 in their blood, demonstrating further that humans have been exposed to this in the past in some fashion, and the human immune system is doing what it was designed to do.

And oh.. maybe the best part (there are so many, I don't know which is the best) is the unscientific modeling that was used by the academic experts (LOL) ... there will be MILLIONS of deaths.  MILLIONS of deaths!!!!

So much for all the naysayers (on here) who pretend to want science, and then when you throw up their own scientists hypotheses about MILLIONS of DEATHS, which  turned out to be ludicrous... they don't want to listen to first hand facts to draw understanding from.

Edited by Toddskins
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Those around me are saying the same thing when they watch this video of these 2 doctors:

"Why are the journalists so hostile?!"

"They keep asking the same questions that have already been answered!"

Read the comments on those Youtube videos of the 2 doctors giving the "press conference" and read from other medical personnel in California about how happy they are to be hearing these doctors come out with this information.  It lines up with their own experience at their own hospitals.   And read all the other comments on these videos that people are writing.  

Real breath of fresh air.

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If covid is really such an insignificant problem and immunity follows on from catching the disease and getting better, why is there such a high demand for PPE in medical facilities? From the logic presented in the videos, would it not follow that young and healthy medical professional would not require PPE?

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There'll be an element of natural selection in this. Those of us who are able to and are sensible enough to stay locked down will live longer than those who choose to ignore lockdown.  My heart is with those essential workers who are having to risk all to keep up fed and safe. Those who choose to ignore lockdown will have many of those people's blood on their hands. Fortunately in the UK most people are being sensible and although we have an appalling Government at least we don't have Trump spouting his mindless and dangerous drivel! Surely now people will get rid of him when they have the chance?!

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A mutually beneficial solution for those who can't stand (i.e. will ignore) lockdown would be to become key workers: they get to go out, keeping supplies/deliveries flowing/stocked up; while more vulnerable people will be able to have supplies delivered to them.

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Key point Sparky:  Keeping people in isolation will cause people's immune system to deteriorate from lack of exposure to everything outside their little areas and from less vitamin D3 (from not being outside more - yes, you can help this just by sitting - alone - in your backyard!).

What does this mean?  It means we could actually see MORE sick people after the isolation ends.  However, it may not be due to COVID-19, but that won't stop the main stream media from trying to say it is.  Regardless of the rest, WHY are doctors being told to emphasize COVID-19 in autopsies where the death was clearly due to other reasons?  (I've also heard this from a doctor friend and two nurses that are friends.)  Sorry, but that just reeks of a political agenda, and that's all I'll say about that.

My landlord works as a drug dependency counselor and the number of suicides, domestic issues and drug overdoses have shot up (no pun in-ten-did ?) since the isolation started.   The economic impact (which really hasn't been felt yet) will be much worse than the over-hyped fear of this virus.

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2 hours ago, JoeGBradford said:

There'll be an element of natural selection in this. Those of us who are able to and are sensible enough to stay locked down will live longer than those who choose to ignore lockdown.  My heart is with those essential workers who are having to risk all to keep up fed and safe. Those who choose to ignore lockdown will have many of those people's blood on their hands. Fortunately in the UK most people are being sensible and although we have an appalling Government at least we don't have Trump spouting his mindless and dangerous drivel! Surely now people will get rid of him when they have the chance?!

Wow, watch mass media much?  The Federal Government can not legally require a lockdown.  This happens at the state level only.

As for "Natural Selection" this has been proven to be completely false in humans from actual scientific studies.  Even Darwin had his doubts and notes in his own research that he expected his findings to be overturned fairly quick.

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