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So who's shopping for something specific right now?

Christian Jones

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11 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

No just a regular boring old water heater. I wonder if the China tariffs have caught up with me on this one.

I would like a tankless. Where I live there are no basements and all pipes are overhead.  You have to wait minutes for warm water to make it to the sink.

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5 hours ago, StudioNSFW said:

I have caught myself cruising Reverb for an Alembic 4 string that I DEFINITELY DO NOT need.

Oh wait...I sold my fretless...maybe I DO NEED...

I blame Bapu.


https://www.guitarcenter.com/Used/ALEMBIC/Vintage-1976-SERIES-I-Electric-Bass-Guitar-116257656.gc?cntry=us&source=4WWRWXMP&msclkid=c84ae55fffb61240621abbf615815380&utm_source=bing&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=[ADL] [GC] [PLA] [Shopping] - (Bass) - {GQ} - [Used]&utm_term=4578091567463977&utm_content={GQ} Bass (Used) (GC) (Bing)&adlclid=ADL-e29999a3-e4aa-4ffc-92ad-2b4a84d5aa6e


This is exactly my model and year (my wood, on the left, is bit richer looking though).


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16 minutes ago, Bapu said:

Prolly more like it

Seriously though - that looks a lot like what Stanley Clarke was playing at the time.

What is the sound like compared to a MM StingRay or other basses we might be more familiar with?

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1 hour ago, emeraldsoul said:

Is this Instagram reality or does that neck look exceptionally long? Like those Sudanese women with the rings job?

Alembics are normal 34" scale unless ordered with a different scale.  The body shape is intended to allow easier access to the frets past the 12th fret.  That don't confront me none, as any bass player knows there is no money past the 7th fret anyway.   

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16 hours ago, pbognar said:

Seriously though - that looks a lot like what Stanley Clarke was playing at the time.

What is the sound like compared to a MM StingRay or other basses we might be more familiar with?

Alembics are, IMO, in sound class all their own.

My Series I has the Rickenbacker like stereo out feature (both pups have their own discrete output). I send those to my Alembic F2B preamp (2 channel Fender Showman inspired design, IIRC).

The Series I and Series II are active electronics.

I'm a big Stanley Clark fan and that is what prompted me to seek out my Alembic bass. I paid $700 along with Rickenbacker for it in 1977.

Eve in my roughest financial times (and I've had a couple) I've never even given a thought to selling my Alembic. My son will inherit it along with all my other basses and guitars when I leave this life.

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