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Progressive Rock - demo #5- "ShakeDown"

bats brew

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5 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

Man - this one rocks - nice job.  As always - you're songs are fun to listen to.  That bass was really cool.

An impressive drum track as well.

hey douglas!

yea, this is a kinda go for the throat thing...

while still trying to be groovy


bass was done with two paths, direct thru a sansamp bass di, for the low end, and thru my strymon Iridium marshall model, for the high end,

ala geddy lee style.

i roll off the marshall around 400hz, picking it up again with the sansamp for the low end.

it's a bit tricky finding the sweet spot.

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On 4/14/2020 at 1:41 PM, AndyB01 said:

Certainly nailed that prog vibe, you even snuck in the obligatory keyboard solo. ?

hey andy!

yes, the prog vibes are strong in my brain palace.

LOL (sherlock reference)


the keyboard solo, YES, got to have that,

i so rarely get a chance to do it in my typical writing, this one was just begging for it.

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14 hours ago, bjornpdx said:

Amazing as always.   Hey, would you consider doing a video?  I would love to watch you play!

hi bjorn!

you know, i don't really have a camera, and i fairly detest the phone videos that clog the interwebs these days,

plus i have giant hairy feet and a 3rd eye, so i don't know if folks would want to watch me mangling a guitar.



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56 minutes ago, freddy j said:

This is just not fair!  How can you be so consistently good.  Excellent work Bats!!!

hey freddy!

your too kind, man. these demos i've been posting, 5 so far, are all going to be on my next album.

i'm almost finished with 7, and just started #8 yesterday.

they will all be different from each other, and mostly instrumental.

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