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Event List improvements

Alan Perkins

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I'd like to be able to  export the Event  List into Excel, for example,  and  use it to do a range of things, for example filter to get a list of all the keyswitch notes.

I'd also like to  be able to directly manipulate the event list by copying and  pasting sections, from one instrument to another,  or manipulate  sections efficiently - it seems this would be an ideal place to make major changes.



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1 hour ago, Alan Perkins said:

I'd like to be able to  export the Event  List into Excel, for example,  and  use it to do a range of things, for example filter to get a list of all the keyswitch notes.

One way to do this today is -

  • save the project as a MIDI file,
  • create a csv file using MIDICSV from the MIDI file
  • load the csv file into a spreadsheet program
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