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Automate Preset Change Sonitus Delay


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as the title suggests, I'm trying to find a way to automate a preset change in the Sonitus Delay FX. I've managed to create automation on a particular track for this effect for the MixL/MixR parameters (and other parameters), but I thought that since I need the fx to change during the playback of the song at certain locations, it would be much easier to create two custom Presets and simply switch between them.

But, I can't figure out how to do that - Preset does not appear as a selectable parameter in the automation context of the track.

How can this be accomplished, if possible?




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Can't change presets like that but here are a couple of idea

1. Sends - create buses for each of the different effect chains needed and automate the sends to the buses.

2. Clip FX - each clip in a track has an FX rack just like the track FX rack. Effects stop and start and clip boundaries which may not be desirable.

3. Automation - just as you started out doing. It is possible to copy and paste the automation as needed. The arranger feature in 2020.04 may make this approach easier than it currently is. To avoid abrupt changes in delay time, you could use multiple instances of plug-in. Because the delay does not have a way to automate its bypass, the MixL and MixR will need to handle the task.


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I went with the first option - I created two aux tracks that each contains the Sonitus Delay, the first with Preset 1 and the other with Preset 2. Then I've created Sends from the base track to these two, and automating the send levels on the base track at the various points throughout the song. This works, and is easier to maintain than fiddling with the Sonitus Delay parameters.


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