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Import Session Data equivalent?


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Something in Pro Tools that has made my life incredibly easier is the Import Session Data menu - being able to copy routing, level settings, and plugins/plugin settings from one session to another is a HUGE time saver when working on full length albums. I'm looking to move some projects to my home studio, where I'm starting to use Cakewalk, and am curious if there is a similar process built in?


Session DATA.jpg

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build a template with your preferred settings/  I/O etc. I usually will take the first session for a given project ,  do a "Save As" to clone it, then delete the audio data and envelopes.  


Rather than starting a new project, start from that template.  All projects for a given album typically will start with that same template, and each Album or EP ends up with a template associated with it. 

Edited by StudioNSFW
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There is a mix recall feature in CbB

As long as the projects start from the same template or are modified versions of the original project they should be able to reuse mix scenes.

To load a mix scene from one project to another, navigate to the mix scene folder of one project in the browser and drag the scene into the other project.

The Mixscenes folder is at the same level as the per-project audio folder.

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  On 4/9/2020 at 7:54 PM, scook said:

There is a mix recall feature in CbB

As long as the projects start from the same template or are modified versions of the original project they should be able to reuse mix scenes.

To load a mix scene from one project to another, navigate to the mix scene folder of one project in the browser and drag the scene into the other project.

The Mixscenes folder is at the same level as the per-project audio folder.


Cool, thanks! Are Mixscenes saved settings for the entire project or can they be narrowed down to individual tracks? The sessions i'm moving over not from a template, nor are they modified copies of another session. They have some routing and track names in common but that's it.

Edited by evanking345
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Mix recall can work on selected tracks/buses but it sounds like what you want to use are track templates which preserve routing, level settings, and plugins/plugin settings and do not rely on the projects starting with a common template or project.


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