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SampleTank4 VST3 rejected

Nigel Mackay


8 answers to this question

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Usually the scanner detects when a dll is updated unless the scanner is set to manual scan. If the scanner is set to manual scan, run the scanner from VST Preferences.

If this plug-in is in the Exclusion List it may be restored without running a VST reset. To check the Exclusion list:

  • open the Plug-in Manager
  • click on "VST3 Instruments (VST3)" in Plug-in Categories
  • click on the "Show Excluded" radio button
  • see if the plug-in is in the Registered Plug-ins list

If the plug-in is in the Exclusion List, to restore the plug-in to to  VST preferences

  • set the scan options drop down to Manual Scan
  • enable "Rescan Failed Plug-ins"
  • click Scan
  • disable "Rescan Failed Plug-ins"
  • restore the scan drop down


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Thanks guys. What I did was run install again, and added the VST plugin, as well as the VST3 plugin. This put a dll file in the VST folder. This works, and is in fact a VST3 plugin. (Can I rename that to VST3, and put in in the right place?)

When scanning, the log says:

VSTSCAN: ---- 49: c:\program files\common files\vst3\SampleTank 4.vst3 ----
VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\c:/program files/common files/vst3/SampleTank 4.vst3
VSTSCAN: Known bad VST plugin skipped

VSTSCAN: ---- 111: e:\data\midi\vstplugins\Samplers\SampleTank 4.dll ----
VSTSCAN: [ShortPath] e:\data\midi\VSTPLU~1\Samplers\SAMPLE~1.DLL
VSTSCAN: [RegKey] Software\Cakewalk Music Software\Cakewalk\Cakewalk VST X64\Inventory\e:/data/midi/vstplugins/Samplers/SampleTank 4.dll

The comment "Known bad VST plugin skipped" looks like a blacklist entry somewhere.

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The Exclusion List in the Plug-in Manager is the blacklist.

Not sure about renaming plug-ins with dll extensions to vst3.

Unless I know for certain the plug-in is VST3 I would leave the file names as the manufacturer supplies them. I only know of one case where a manufacturer (not IKM) accidentally used dll for the extension of their VST3 plug-in but I suppose there could be more. I cannot speak directly about SampleTank. Don't have the plug-in.



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You can if the manufacturer accidentally shipped their VST3 plug-in with a dll extention.  I have had to do it one time.

However, I have on several occassions temporarily renamed vst3 files to dll in order to get check their version info.


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I am surprised a scan with "Rescan Failed Plug-ins" did not pick it up. Regardless, aside from the extra time a Reset takes, it is a fairly harmless action. IIRC, it does lose custom property settings like "Do Not Intercept NRPNs" but does not touch layouts or the category database.

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