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Paul Bush

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Hi guys , heres a track from last year I had on samplitude I transfered it using  wave fills and then mixed it on bandlab adding a few bits`n `pieces , its inspired by a Ken Loach or a Mike Leigh film about a disfunctonal famliy a down to earth great film, I didnt really know that this film  had inspired me untill it the song was finished and after about  four or five months later  I realised .hey its about .....that film  If only i could remember the name of that film , its driving me nuts



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You've kind of fallen thru the cracks here on this one.
This is the third time I've tried to listen, interrupted on the first two, finally got thru to the end.
What kit are you using for the drums, just a bit "muffled" to my ears; not a "deal" breaker.

On 3/28/2020 at 6:48 AM, Paul Bush said:

If only i could remember the name of that film

Can't help with that one.
Overall ?


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Hi Tom yeah your right,  the drums are EZdrums and I´m going to have find out how i can transfere the project files instead of  wave files  .then i can  change the kit  and tone as you  know Tom i´m still feeling my way through  this minefield , I´m just writing a new song from scratch so i´ll be only using100% bandlab where i can hofefully do a better recording there are also timming issues ``keys´´  in this song thanks for taking the time to respond cheers   

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nice voice, that's for sure. That will carry you through a lot of mix issues.

chorus is catchy as well.

you will find your way into a better mix but the originality of parts seems to be no problem. Great idea if you can swing SD3 or some better drum deal.

cool tune, catchy indeed! 80's lives.



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Thanks Tom, thats a good stratigy maybe i should mix the vocal even louder to distract from the crappy mixdown , I must admit though I´m slowly trying to assemble  a constant method to my recording to give better results   ..I will get there ...in time thanks for the response cheers . keep well paul DB

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Hi Douglas , yes I really do struggle with the drums, in fact I do try make them more interesting but it seems the more fills and changes I put in , the more it sounds cluttered and out of time  Aaaaghh if you whatI I mean , i´m working on a new song , no melody no lyrics just keys- guitare I keep the drums as basic as possible to keep a clear head  and then add fill it out later cheers thanks for the comments Paul DB

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Paul, this is a good song that could potentially be stellar.  Your vocal and lyrics are quite good, but, on my end, I'm losing the words because the reverb washes them out.  So, I think if you get the drums right, you might try a little drier mix on the vox.  Who knows?  Good luck with this, I look forward to your progress.

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Hi  Lynn Thanks for the input ;I´ll really have to reprogram the drums from start  to finnish ,I´ll wait untill the weather is so bad that I´ll have to stay in the studio, in fact I´m surprised by the response to this song  I wasnt sure if it merited the time, it seems once again I was wrong , and thats the great thing about this forum its a great sounding board . almost every song I write I`m never sure if its any good .

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Hi chaps and once again thanks for all the encourgment , to be honest the way i look at the suff I write  (in my fantasy world) is I write the song hand it over to   producer who is : much cleverer  than I and a much better muscian  and  clears up my mess I gave him  in the real world however is somewhat different , so I´m struggling with the production side of things on many /all levels but the more i do the more I feel I´m getting the hang of  I must say ``kid´´ should have been started a new from the begining and the old recording just used as a reference , Im rarely happy with my songs although i thought the subject matter in this song was quite good I think the next song I´ll post the lyrics as well .if only I could find that bloody film  ..british film director

cheers guys Paul DB    

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