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Banned from KVR

Larry Shelby

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Larry is a great part of any music community. 

But I seriously do understand how a moderator might notice how prolific Larry is and wonder how one person can do all of that or whether it's a team of people and then question if they might be compensated. 

Hmmm...or is Larry AI? ;)

But if that moderator spent a little time and examined Larry's posts -- which this KVR mod clearly neglected to do -- they'd notice that Larry doesn't inject his opinions on developers very often (with IK being the exception years ago) and Larry posts about a very wide range of developers, two things that you don't see from shills. 

So, yeah, banning Larry was a profoundly bad mistake and Larry deserved a serious apology for that. KVR, Cakewalk, or any forum should be thrilled to have Larry as a member. I know this community-- of course,  including me -- is rightfully,  enormously glad to have Larry as a member. Larry's irreplaceable. He's the Michael Jordan of deal posting.  He literally is responsible for this subforum existing and being such a valuable resource to many people, including me.  

As far as KVR, I used to be a regular. I mostly enjoyed it, but it would get toxic from time to time. Not VI-Control level toxic, but toxic enough where I didn't think it was enjoyable as it should be and prefer the much friendlier vibe at this forum. We have a much smaller community,  but overall --with only a handful of exceptions-- it's a very friendly and helpful group of people. Plus, we've got Larry, which is very nice. 

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I've never been banned from KVR, however a couple of one famous company representatives tried to bully me. Couldn't care less for their amateurish attempts, mind you, it just goes to show how much more friendly and cozy this forum is.

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2 hours ago, cclarry said:

I'm shocked that a thread from 2020 is still getting so much chatter!

Head over to the Coffee House proper Larry and that will seem like nothing! ?

Heck, we still pull out inside jokes from about 20 years ago there... ?

And I still remember helping Greg (Hendershot) debug a General MIDI issue in Cakewalk v1.0 waaaaaaay back in 1987! ??

Yep, we're old and we're crusty. ?

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2 hours ago, Heath Row said:

as you keep reminding us, must be the Bapu coming out in you ?

Just reminding myself.  Nothing else is exciting anymore.  

Besides, Bapu is much older!  He remembers with the Am chord was invented. ?

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8 hours ago, craigb said:

Nothing else is exciting anymore.  

Bur, but......there's a new Sonar that is both released and also not released that you can pay for even though they don't know how much it is or you can not pay not the real price and just look at it.

How much more excitement could anyone possibly need ?

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4 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

Just got banned from NI. 

  If you want to be a developer you have to take the good with the bad.  There's no shortage on the web to escape criticism.  The good ones try to turn enemies into friends. 

Interesting and If you have legally  purchased licenses from NI you can not use them anymore

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5 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

Just got banned from NI. 

  If you want to be a developer you have to take the good with the bad.  There's no shortage on the web to escape criticism.  The good ones try to turn enemies into friends. 

Wait,  you got banned from NI? If that's right, would you mind sharing? I'm wondering what the heck could have led to that. 

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