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Ozone 9 & Nectar 3 Issues

Big Alkie


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@fossile My issue is just the VST load times, 15-20 secs. With prior projects which use a lot of O7  instances, projects opened quickly, not so with O9, each instance adds those seconds making it impractical to use very many instances and have a reasonable project load time. In your case what's your O9 VST load time? Bye the way I have O9 Advanced and it's the same issue for the individual module VSTs. The only difference I can think of between the O9 components and my other iZotope plugins is that O9 has NKS support and the others do not...

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7 hours ago, Tez said:

Ditto... I also got the Tonal Balance Bundle, everything but O9, the O9 individual module VSTs and Tonal Balance load quickly, but these slow pokes take 15-20 seconds, once loaded no problem, and the standalone starts up fine...

@noynekker Out of curiosity  what machine do you have I'm wondering if it's an OEM issue as this slow load time also occurs in another DAW not just CbB & Splat for me. If it's a registry issue iZotope support hasn't helped, and all my other iZotope plugins load just fine!

I'm using Intel i7-3770K @3.5GHz - - (8 cores) 32GB Ram - - NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660Ti

Yes, I can also verify that the slow load times occur for Ozone 9 plugs in my other DAW as well, it's surely not a Cakewalk issue.

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59 minutes ago, noynekker said:

it's surely not a Cakewalk issue.

I agree, I've got an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4008 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) -- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960, but the OEM is Dell, it's an XPS 8900,  and that means it comes with a bunch of Dell software that's part of the system not just bloat ware, that's why asked who manufactured your machine. In trying to figure out why only Ozone 9 components, that's the latest version, might be different from all my other iZotope plugins, I realized O9 comes with NKS support and none of the others do. I've other plugins with NKS support that load just fine, but who knows, O9's implementation might have a bug that affects only some systems.

So, is your machine a Dell?? That might be a clue... I'd really like to find a fix, and use O9 like I used O7 ?... Cheers...

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2 hours ago, Tez said:

I agree, I've got an Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-6700K CPU @ 4.00GHz, 4008 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 8 Logical Processor(s) -- NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960, but the OEM is Dell, it's an XPS 8900,  and that means it comes with a bunch of Dell software that's part of the system not just bloat ware, that's why asked who manufactured your machine. In trying to figure out why only Ozone 9 components, that's the latest version, might be different from all my other iZotope plugins, I realized O9 comes with NKS support and none of the others do. I've other plugins with NKS support that load just fine, but who knows, O9's implementation might have a bug that affects only some systems.

So, is your machine a Dell?? That might be a clue... I'd really like to find a fix, and use O9 like I used O7 ?... Cheers...

Not a Dell . . . just custom build

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56 minutes ago, fossile said:

they seem to operate just fine

They operate just fine for me once loaded, vst2 or vst3 in CbB.  I can see in the task manager CbB's  power usage is low, GPU usage 0%. Open an O9 window and the  power usage steps up to very high and GPU usage to 17%. That's not a problem for me... What is a problem is if you insert a new O9 or one of it's components into an FX rack it takes 15-20 seconds to load. Ozone 7 and any other iZotope plugin that's not an O9 component takes about 2 seconds to load. I've used many instances of O7 in prior projects, and the projects open quickly.  With O9 or it's components each instance adds to the time to open a project which would take several minutes to open if lots of O9 instances or it's components are used, not ideal nor practical. That's why I asked just how long on your system it takes to insert a new O9 into an FX rack until it's loaded. If you could check how many seconds it takes, that would be terrific and I'd be most grateful ?

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the load time for a project  - a simple project with just the O9 on an audio track - about 5 seconds, and the plugin load/display etc times are all very fast for me once i update the drivers. i suggest also checking your permissions on the Izotope products, VST, and CwB folders as well as any PATH settings (command windows then SET command in case something is weird there). 

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@fossile Thanks for the response... I'm the admin, paths are fine, full control on everything & I even run CbB as an admin, but it was a thought.  The significant difference between you and me is "Intel 4000 video" vs "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960", the driver's up to date, whereas the slow load times confirmed in the post above is on a system with  a "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660Ti". So, despite having up to date drivers it could be GPU related depending on the graphics card, who knows, probably iZotope... Regardless, it's extremely frustrating.  I set up a track template, audio out & midi for a vst3 instrument, buses with reverb FX & the master out and in the in the instrument's audio out FX rack is Ozone 7 with a match EQ  and vintage limiter, and this loaded in seconds. The exact same setup for a template using Ozone 9, same EQ match, identical limiter preset, took way much longer to load. The GUI graphics are different & O9's EQ match is a separate module, but the functionality seems almost the same and for the limiter I see no difference at all. Yet, the O9 standalone has no major problems. It makes me wonder apart from the graphics, how much has really changed under the hood for the same modules and that the value of an upgrade is only for the extras... It's a pity it's  inconsistent between the 2 version for some of us..

Edited by Tez
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