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Editing only selected audio transients


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Is there something I'm missing?

I am not a frequent AudioSnap user in CbB to say the least, but I am very familiar with the profound ease of adjusting chosen audio in, for example, Ableton (sorry for the reference to someone else ? ) I think it is this very issue that has kept me away from it, but I am trying again....

So, here in Cakewalk I have an audio performance that is mostly good. In a few places there are some transients that could be tightened up, nowhere near all of them but enough that makes editing them individually very time consuming. If I quantize the entire clip to a single resolution (the only option), the notes/beats that I don't want affected become edited, of course, and many of them undesirably.  I want to quantize just select transients to the selected resolution.

I turn on edit transients (with edit tool, AudioSnap enable, or such) in an audio clip, select only specific transients by their markers by ctrl/shift-click or drag selecting, and then when I choose to quantize, ALL the transients on the clip are affected as opposed to just the transients that are selected, just as if I had simply quantized the entire clip to begin with.

Is there a setting somewhere that allows me to edit only the selection? And if so, the default setting is off?? That is certainly counter-intuitive.

No doubt I am just missing some very obvious thing right before me eyes....

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1 hour ago, reginaldStjohn said:

I don't know about quantizing just the selected transients.  However, if there are just a few you want to move you can just select them and move them with your mouse with snap enabled.

Yes. This I know quite well. Thank you, 'though. That is, as I mention, a very time consuming process with the issue that I outline above.

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You can hold down the CTRL key, Do double-click to another transient marker in any selected clip. A transient markers are selected across all selected clips. And select the Smart tool in the Control Bar, Assign the track's Edit Filter control to Audio Transients.

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16 hours ago, azajali43 said:

You can hold down the CTRL key, Do double-click to another transient marker in any selected clip. A transient markers are selected across all selected clips. And select the Smart tool in the Control Bar, Assign the track's Edit Filter control to Audio Transients.

Thanks for the suggestion, but I think you miss my point.  I know fair well how to select multiple transients. My question is: after selecting multiple specific transients (with the Audio Transients edit tool, ctrl-clicking or drag selecting, etc.) how then do I edit , and specifically, how to apply Quantize to only those selected transients??  As far as I can tell even still, when choosing quantize, Cakewalk ignores chosen transients and  simply quantizes all  transients in a clip.

So, simply put:  How do I quantize only selected multiple transients in a clip??

Edited by winkpain
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1 minute ago, tecknot said:

Can you create new clips of the offending transients?  I am guessing that would also be time consuming.

Kind regards,


Yeah. I tried that idea. But yes, very time consuming. So is the "option" of selecting all the undesired transients, setting them to Disable, then selecting the desired, still enabled transients and choosing quantize, then re-enabling the disabled transients and move on to the next edit where you would have to do this process all over again.

Surely there is something basic somewhere to allow me to quantize just my desired, selected transients. As I move through a, say, 4 minute long clip of a performance and just need to correct multiple irregularities leaving the rest of the clip intact, doing any of these options - selecting/editing one at a time, splitting into multiple clips to edit separately, disabling all the data you don't want to edit and editing the remainder (a profoundly counter-intuitive procedure) - are a great expenditure of time.

Imagine if you couldn't quantize just the selected notes in a MIDI clip. Why are Audio Transients different?  You can select them. And you can quantize them. Why can you not do both together???

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Looks like a programming oversight that was never reported... or not reported often enough for Bakers to prioritize it. I doubt it was deliberate or too difficult to implement quantizing only selected markers. Tried some workarounds, but could not get the desired result. Disabling other transient markers allows their transients to move proportionally as quantized transients move, which is not what you want.

The only way around it is to split at transients and quantize individual clips. But then you might as well just take the time to manually snap drag individual transients.

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9 minutes ago, David Baay said:

The only way around it is to split at transients and quantize individual clips. But then you might as well just take the time to manually snap drag individual transients.


Amazing oversight. And feels odd to be the only one (one of the only?) to notice it. Isn't this a "normal" workflow - to quantize edit multiple select audio transients to make improvements on a recorded performance?


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Apparently not; I was unable to find a single instance of another thread mentioning this issue. That's not to say there isn't one out there, but it definitely was never a common complaint. It's possible it was working as expected in some previous version of SONAR, but I doubt it. I no longer have an installation of SONAR 6 or 7 that had the '1.0' version of Audiosnap, but my guess is it has always been this way. One clue is that the context menu that gives the option to Quantize comes up when you right-click the clip, not when you right-click a selected marker.


Edited by David Baay
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  • 1 year later...
On 10/22/2021 at 10:17 AM, treesha said:

Im not a frequent user of audiosnap either, if i need to adjust the timing of some phrase i use melodyne and simply adjust the blobs/ notes to the timing i want. I find this melodyne method easy  so just an alternative suggestion. 

Absolutely. Melodyne is amazing!

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