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Why is Cakewalk by Bandlab free?


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7 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

So, one person asks a question like "why is CbB free?" and it results in 8 pages (so far) of responses and discussions.  This happens so much that I really believe that some of you must have an insecure feeling that Meng and company are just going to  someday soon come along and pull the rug out from this whole thing and we will all be without this program.  Do some of us doubt Meng or Noel?  Even the guy at NAMM said something like it will be free FOREVER!! 

Is the old saying "If something seems to be too good to be true, it probably is" creeping through some of our minds?

Don't you trust them?  I do.  Stop worrying and enjoy making music!

?John B


There were a few side discussions mixed in there.  So more like 4 pages of relevant posts to the topic, and  2 page of posts related to that while the rest are... not totally relevant ? 

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35 minutes ago, Slippery When Wet said:

...neither Cakewalk nor SONAR was as popular as it's community thought it was...

First: It's free because it's being used as a marketing tool. There are other parts of the company that are supposed to make money.

Even in the absence of any real numbers, I'll go along with your assertion that people just weren't/aren't that into Cakewalk/SONAR/CbB. Which is weird, because it's at the very least a really good product, and for some of us it's perfect. Who knows why it didn't "strike a chord" with the masses? Maybe because it's geared more toward musicians, writers and producers who actually know what a chord is, and that's not the way the masses are going.

@Craig Andertonused to say on the old forum that he actually did have real numbers, that is, sales figures on all the DAWs, but it was proprietary information and so he couldn't divulge it to us. So we users never had an opportunity to judge SONAR's popularity using the only metric that matters in the world today: money. Craig, if you happen to read this, perhaps now that you don't work for Gibson, and now that SONAR's sales figures are receding in the rear view mirror (because it's no longer for sale), maybe you could give us a clue just how our DAW ranked in the past several years.

All that said, I've tried a number of other DAWs, and while I think I could get on pretty well with a few of them, I still like CbB the best. I would have continued to buy upgrades, but I'm more than thrilled I don't have to. It being free doesn't bother me at all. ?

Edited by Larry Jones
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On 2/1/2019 at 12:35 PM, synkrotron said:

Yeah, why is CbB free?

Is it just while it is in "development?"



So, going back to my original post, I also asked the question, "Is it just while it is in 'development'"

Let's go back to that for a moment.

I didn't hang around when Gibson dumped SONAR. My decision, and one that surprised me really, as I am very much loyal to "brands" (tools) that I like and I really did like SONAR. Having jumped ship I lost interest and didn't open SONAR again until a couple of weeks ago. When I opened SONAR a message popped up saying something like "can't access the server to check license." Well, near enough, can't remember exactly.

So I thought, "okay, let's give CbB a try."

I've not sat at the software, comparing CbB to SONAR in great detail. I basically jumped around, re-learning stuff as I needed to. So, for all I know CbB could be identical SONAR, but I wouldn't really know for sure.

Looks similar... Seems to behave the same... I quickly got back reasonably up to speed, which was helped in part because CbB used my old SONAR preferences, which despite not using, I didn't uninstall.

I believe, from reading various posts, that BandLab took the code and run with it almost "as-is," but did they? I think there were some issues early doors but I didn't really follow developments. New versions have been rolled out... So that, in itself, indicates that CbB must be a little bit different to SONAR, even if it's just "under the hood."

This is why I was posing my questions here. Perhaps I should have made this clearer up front, but the whole topic took on a life of its own.

So, been sat at Cakewalk (I'm not going to use the by BandLab suffix any more) for a week now. I have issues, but mainly with my setup and nothing I can really put back on Cakewalk. I still need to do some loading tests, just using soft synths and effects, because if I can be happy with the amount of stuff I can load a project up with then I will then try it out on my Surface Pro laptop, which is currently running REAPER, and quite well I hasten to add.


Okay, that's me for a bit... On to page eleven :D

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23 minutes ago, synkrotron said:

So, going back to my original post, I also asked the question, "Is it just while it is in 'development'"

Let's go back to that for a moment.

Mke, the BandLab representative at Winter NAMM 2019, stated emphatically during more than one interview that the Core product Cakewalk by BandLab will ALWAYS be free.

Plans can change, but that is the corporate line as of now.

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Hi John,

41 minutes ago, John Sandlin said:

Mke, the BandLab representative at Winter NAMM 2019, stated emphatically during more than one interview that the Core product Cakewalk by BandLab will ALWAYS be free.

Yes, so I believe, as this has been mentioned elsewhere.

41 minutes ago, John Sandlin said:

Plans can change, but that is the corporate line as of now.

I understand that.

Regardless of all that, though, let me ask this,

If a product is free, but not fit for purpose, then it doesn't really matter whether it is free or not.


I raised the original post here before having really unboxed Cakewalk, so it was, I suppose, me being a bit lazy by asking, in the general forum, if all was well.

I could have kept my gob shut, but I like to talk, and I also felt it would be an opportunity to re-connect with peeps from the old forum, on which I was very active, especially in the Songs forum.

Since posting I have had a chance to play and I like what I see so far. Would I change anything? Not really. There is a keyboard shortcut request I am considering asking for and there are a few things more I would like the scroll wheel to do, depending on focus, but that is about it. I feel that I am picking up where I left off when I jumped ship.

So, is Cakewalk "fit for purpose?"

Yeah, sure.

Would I recommend it to anyone else?

I already have.





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My guess is that the company also wishes to exploit user content. They make it easy for you to "share", i.e. give away, your work. That way, they have free music as opposed to platforms that have to pay for content. Then they run ads and/or sell the platform to Amazon or Apple for billions of dollars more than it's worth.


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