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JOEMENTUM - BjornPDX Alt Track


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Normally I would never post something so incomplete, but I'm looking for a little collaboration.
WARNING: No spit, no polish, this thing is rough as a cob! This is an afternoon's work, of roughly
cobbled together performances, looped to sketch out the tune.
I think the title reveals the content, so if you're not a fan, you are at least forewarned...

Bjorn's suggested lyrics are included in the track below: Hope we were "close" enough Bjorn!
JOEMENTUM-Bjorn's Alt Track


Edited by DeeringAmps
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hello Tom,

I don't think I'm the guy for this project, it would turn down the wrong lane and you would lose the base you are messaging.

With that in mind, I do love the guitar tone, and I think the tune stands on it's own as is.

I like the vocals out front too, but the guitar is great.  Is that through one of your amps!

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Actually it is from the EZMIX pack. The 15 watter. It’s “quick and easy” and light on CPU. It was the first time I had plugged that guitar in, amazingly enough. One I built, a twenty year project actually; too long a story. 

Take care my brother, thanks for chiming in!


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Tom , I know Nothing about working remotely , but if there is "anything" you think I could add to this project count me in. As a retired auto worker , and at a time when GM was acting like Gibson and bailing out on their employees and retirees (for their own benefit)  Joe Biden "personally" stepped in.    Feel free to pm me.   mark

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Tom,  I always thought it'd be cool to have a poly tick-ally controversial song that's played at the convention.  Those folks can get gigs for you if you're good to them.  I know  there's some CG'ers in DC that play at embassy parties etc.  Eye of the Tiger is probably the most recognizable.   Talk to Freddy J, the style  you're after is in his WHEEL HOUSE.  

Edited by David Sprouse
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What's wrong with your vocals here?  Sounds fine to me as it is.

The song is a goodie, but I'm sorry I don't share your political views.  I'm not a Biden fan.  (Not knocking you for being one though) ?

?John B

PS-I agree with Doug K.  Send it into JB's campaign.  I could imagine them using it.   The slogan JOEMENTUM is catchy. ?

Edited by Johnbee58
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1 hour ago, Johnbee58 said:

The slogan JOEMENTUM is catchy

Can't take credit for that, but I jumped on pretty quickly.

1 hour ago, Johnbee58 said:

What's wrong with your vocals here?

The muse tortured me for two night running with this, then inspired me to go public. I live but to serve my queen;
She shall have her way...

1 hour ago, Johnbee58 said:

I'm not a Biden fan

the true test of our friendship, is never having to alter our beliefs, to maintain that friendship.


remember, Ralph Murphy's law of songwriting:
"we write songs about people we've never met, doing things we've never done, in places we've never been"

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Doesn't sound rough to me. Vocal is great, maybe could use
some reverb or something, maybe not.
Very cool intro with the train leading into the song.
"Barr the truth"
I get shivers when I hear MLK speak - so inspiring.
You looking for more lyrics?

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Living quite a lot of the year in South Africa, I find it hard not to view all Politicians in the same light - thieving corrupt and incompetent!!

However in Barbados after about ten years of   thieving corrupt and incompetent   Politicians,   we have a new Prime Minister (same as President sort of) and she has made a massive difference - almost restored my faith in Politicians....well not fully but  getting there.

I'm not really up on US Politics -  have to say the last election was  a surprise...think i'll leave it at that?

Regards the song, love the guitar - think it would great with a bit of vox organ on the chorus





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5 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

I'm not really up on US Politics

I present this only for its historical perspective, and so consider it not to be a violation of our TOS:
in 1972 then President Richard Nixon was seeking re-election, he was unaffectionately known as "Tricky Dick".
There were two posters out, one with the phrase "Would you buy a used car from this man?".
The other "Don't change Dicks in the middle of a screw". I'll leave it to your imagination...

5 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

love the guitar

Thank you, but you as well are far too kind.

5 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

a bit of vox organ on the chorus

That or a grinding harp with the "whoo whoo" train sound!


the axe


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something like this might be cool

8 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

That or a grinding harp with the "whoo whoo" train sound



On 3/12/2020 at 11:02 AM, garybrun said:

Look forward to you sharing the CWB files.
Ill give the vocals a shot.

now that would be cool


5 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

I'm not really up on US Politics

Boy, you're really missing out on something....not.

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