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Cakewalk By BandLab Video Tutorials


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Back in the old forums there were statements made about the lack of videos made using Sonar suggesting its unpopularity. Well, there have been a plethora of quite recently uploaded video tutorials on YouTube using Cakewalk By BandLab. For any newbie coming into these forums asking questions, I think a sticky should be made of these videos which are very informative. Below are a few YouTube channels I've found.





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Honestly, time is a precious resource.  I'd much rather they distribute a PDF user guide so that we can search and view while on the go.  I'd much rather read the manual while I'm riding shotgun or between sessions at the training center than waste hours of my time watching YouTube videos.

Not having a PDF manual, at least the old Sonar Platinum manual with the obvious caveat that some things may differ, is awful.

I have time in between activities while out and about, but I'm definitely not going to sit in front of YouTube and waste that much time.  I want an actual PDF user guide.

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Since when watching a video tutorial is a waste of time. To others it could be an invaluable resource. I, for one, have gained a lot of knowledge about crafting music in a DAW watching YouTube videos.

Edited by DeBro
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IMHO the manual is invaluable as an "encyclopedia" for  scanning through to get an overview of a product, and looking up commands and how to use them.

But I like videos that show me how-to techniques that manuals rarely explain.  There is a need for both!

I agree that watching videos just to get an overall view of a product can be painful and time consuming.



Edited by abacab
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I agree with the general point made in this post. There was always a surprising ( to me ) lack of videos on Cakewalk considering the age of it and supposed userbase. Since Bandlab took over I can clearly see the increase in videos online. If that is because its "new" or some onther reason I dont know. But I believe there is a difference at least and that is positive. 

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I'll be publishing new tutorials on this channel in the near future as well... https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottGarrigus?sub_confirmation=1

Scott R. Garrigus - http://www.garrigus.com
* Cakewalk SONAR Video Tutorials: https://www.youtube.com/user/ScottGarrigus?sub_confirmation=1
* Author of the Cakewalk Sonar and Sony Sound Forge Power book series: http://garrigus.com/?PowerBooks
* Publisher of the DigiFreq music recording newsletter: http://www.digifreq.com/
* Publisher of the NewTechReview consumer tech newsletter: http://www.newtechreview.com/

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I made a bunch of tutorials as I have 3 people I'm teaching how to use the program and thought some screen capture videos would be useful.  They are working very well for my students. They said they are making good progress and nobody had to phone me so far.  I shared them on my web site ( see signature) and Utube but seems I've only had 3 or 4 people watch them so I might as well remove them.

It's hard to make effective videos that get to the point as it's easy to go off on a side tangent with the  3 or 4 ways there is to do everything.  I found the videos posted in the OP contained to much personal workflow, and I could barely understand him.  The older Sonar videos are well done and are more or less still relevant.

What I found very cool was when I opened Vegas Movie studio for the first time I followed the tutorials which used the actual GUI window and animated how you did things. It gave me a whole tour of all the menus and tabs, I was up and running in no time at all and that software is at least as complicated as Cakewalk. 

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On 1/31/2019 at 3:17 PM, DeBro said:

Since when watching a video tutorial is a waste of time. To others it could be an invaluable resource. I, for one, have gained a lot of knowledge about crafting music in a DAW watching YouTube videos.

Since almost everyone will learn more easily by doing instead of looking at a video, which generally doesn't even present the topics in a well-organized manner and typically jumps about spastically.  Additionally, lots of YouTube channels put a lot of "filler" content in their videos, and some of them simply aren't well-produced.  I don't even want to start on the unskippable Ads, etc. in many of them.

I get much more out of ACTUALLY USING the application with a decent Quick Start guide (PDF or Physical) at the beginning, and a Manual/Reference Guide to refer to [thereafter] than sitting in front of YouTube.

Unless you're going to tell me you get more out of 10 hours of YouTube viewing than you do out of  8 hours actually using the application, I'm sticking to my guns.

Everyone wants to see more "YouTube" content because it signals to them that their preferred software application or platform is growing in popularity (or simply popular), but the usefulness of such content is a completely different matter... and how effective it is, is highly questionable IMHO.

There are probably still people looking at YouTube videos on the "Best DAW for beginners," 6 months after they started... and they still haven't done anything in any of them.  This happens all the time, with DAWs, Video Editors, Photo Editors, Programming Languages, etc.  BandLab needs to just give us the documentation so that we can go about our merry way and start using the application more effectively.  They already have these documents and help files...  Let us have them.

Fortunately, someone sent me the Help File and Documentation from the last SONAR release, so I'm [personally] good to go ?

That person has my thanks. 

Edited by SomeGuy
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On 2/2/2019 at 2:27 PM, Cactus Music said:

I shared them on my web site ( see signature) and Utube but seems I've only had 3 or 4 people watch them so I might as well remove them.

@Cactus Music Johnny - I was just following one of your tutorials yesterday. I've been meaning to check them out for years, but haven't gotten around to it. The one I'm looking at is not a video, but it's excellent. I recommend everybody check out your educational stuff and I hope you'll leave them up.

Edited by Larry Jones
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On 2/2/2019 at 5:27 PM, Cactus Music said:

I made a bunch of tutorials as I have 3 people I'm teaching how to use the program and thought some screen capture videos would be useful.  They are working very well for my students. They said they are making good progress and nobody had to phone me so far.  I shared them on my web site ( see signature) and Utube but seems I've only had 3 or 4 people watch them so I might as well remove them.

It's hard to make effective videos that get to the point as it's easy to go off on a side tangent with the  3 or 4 ways there is to do everything.  I found the videos posted in the OP contained to much personal workflow, and I could barely understand him.  The older Sonar videos are well done and are more or less still relevant.

What I found very cool was when I opened Vegas Movie studio for the first time I followed the tutorials which used the actual GUI window and animated how you did things. It gave me a whole tour of all the menus and tabs, I was up and running in no time at all and that software is at least as complicated as Cakewalk. 

We can use all the help we can get. I hope you will continue to offer your expertise to the forum. 

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There are of course the "Sonar Explaind' series that were released by https://www.groove3.com

Whilst they wont have stuff that CbyB have added to the program (Ripple edit to name one) the vast majority is applicable, also from what I can see each lesson is named with the topic of the lesson so easier to home in on the bit your trying to remember 

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That's what I did Tony, they had a special on at groove 3 so i got the "sonar explained" and "sonar advanced" tutorials. They were in tended for what you guys affectionately refer to as SPLAT. There's some differences but overall quite good. I also found that I was a member of Lynda.com as a result of joining my library and they had one for sonar X2 that I also grabbed.

I like video tutorials as long as they are good quality, I just run them on the TV, turn on the computer, fire up Cakewalk and away we go. I have also got some off youtube but this is a bit hit and miss regarding the quality of the teaching, audio and video. I'll give the ones suggested here a look.

I will also put in a vote for a PDF help file. The online system is of no use to me, my DAW is offline. When I am using Cakewalk and i forget a particular thing, I have to stumble along without it or shuffle through videos to find an explanation. Not ideal.

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