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Mixcraft University

Larry Shelby

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of Mixcraft University Video Tutorials. The first in a series of new Mixcraft University Video Tutorials, Mixcraft University 101 will cover all the basics of using Mixcraft 9 for music creation.

This introductory series, created by musician, producer and YouTuber, Cameron [aka Venus Theory], teaches all the core concepts needed to know to set up Mixcraft for the first time. Learn step-by-step basic mixing and mastering principles using Mixcraft 9 to share and publish your music.

New in Mixcraft 9! Highlights include: detachable panels, undockable transport controls, curved automation, tempo and pitch automation, vocoder tracks, new mixer panels, new effects and instruments, advanced plug-in automation and control, step recording, and piano roll improvement.

Read more atacoustica.com

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Nice to see they got around to this instead of videos with Mixcraft7.   It's stuff like this gets more interest.   I post a rant on their forum about this and get the fanboy excuses.  It was nice to see a user take charge of this. While I don't really use it much it's always worth the $29 upgrade. 

Edited by kitekrazy
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9 minutes ago, kitekrazy said:

Nice to see they got around to this instead of videos with Mixcraft7.   It's stuff like this gets more interest.   I post a rant on their forum about this and get the fanboy excuses.  It was nice to see a user take charge of this. While I don't really use it much it's always worth the $29 upgrade. 

I agree...bang for buck it's a decent DAW.

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18 hours ago, kitekrazy said:

loading a default instrument is a workflow killer

Do you mean how when you add a VSTi track it plops a track down with whatever the globally defined default instrument is without asking you which VSTi you wanted? So your new instrument track ends up named "Acoustic Piano" even after you go in and change it to what you did want?

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3 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

Do you mean how when you add a VSTi track it plops a track down with whatever the globally defined default instrument is without asking you which VSTi you wanted? So your new instrument track ends up named "Acoustic Piano" even after you go in and change it to what you did want?

That's it.

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It's pointless and asinine, and Cakewalk's process of adding a virtual instrument track would be no less a speedbump were it not for the existence of track templates.

I tell ya, until I twigged track templates, trying to negotiate the process of setting up drum maps in Cakewalk was where rhythmic ideas went to die around my house.

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Mixcraft 9's  ability to do track lanes in the performance panel while recording   is a game changer  ...

Also one can set up track lanes for the video track and have multiple video clips .

my only real gripe w Mixcraft is I can not preview Midi files  from Mixcraft's  browser ....

What that means to me is I can have over 10,0000 Midi drum files I can not audition with the drum VST of my choice  for a song project

This is the way it's gonna be  folks ....every-time I say something nice about Mixcraft online  I'm also gonna bring up the  lack of a Midi file preview in the program ...it is by far the weakest link of this otherwise wonderful  DAW .

Why go there ?  Because "they" ( meaning the developers and core  associates )  Shined me on real bad in Cakewalk thread years ago ...when Gibson pulled the plug on SONAR

I have never forgotten that whole BS runaround and double talk thing  they tried to pull w me .

At the time I was using Mixcraft 7 Pro , Now I using Mixcraft 9 Pro and as far as I can tell ...they still haven't made Midi preview a priority ...

How 's that Bitches ....? can you hear me NOW ? ?



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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1 hour ago, kennywtelejazz said:

Mixcraft 9's  ability to do track lanes in the performance panel while recording   is a game changer  ...

Also one can set up track lanes for the video track and have multiple video clips .

my only real gripe w Mixcraft is I can not preview Midi files  from Mixcraft's  browser ....

What that means to me is I can have over 10,0000 Midi drum files I can not audition with the drum VST of my choice  for a song project

This is the way it's gonna be  folks ....every-time I say something nice about Mixcraft online  I'm also gonna bring up the  lack of a Midi file preview in the program ...it is by far the weakest link of this otherwise wonderful  DAW .

Why go there ?  Because "they" ( meaning the developers and core  associates )  Shined me on real bad in Cakewalk thread years ago ...when Gibson pulled the plug on SONAR

I have never forgotten that whole BS runaround and double talk thing  they tried to pull w me .

At the time I was using Mixcraft 7 Pro , Now I using Mixcraft 9 Pro and as far as I can tell ...they still haven't made Midi preview a priority ...

How 's that Bitches ....? can you hear me NOW ? ?



 Not available in FL or Reason either. Live I think uses a GM soundset so you wont have a clue how it sounds in Spire.  I don't think Acid does either.  When I buy some presets I usually open up Bandlab.  I hate the plugin management in Mixcraft.  Most DAWs I just scroll down to what I need.  I like how some do it my manufacturer.  The worst thing about Mixcraft is some of their forum members.  Suggest improvements and the responses from users are quite stupid even the one I suggested that led to these Mixcraft videos. 

 Then there's some of us who don't read a manual and that where the real learning is.  I need to change that behavior.

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On 3/9/2020 at 5:42 PM, kitekrazy said:

The worst thing about Mixcraft is some of their forum members.  Suggest improvements and the responses from users are quite stupid even the one I suggested that led to these Mixcraft videos.

Sigh. That is a thing, isn't it? So weird. Otherwise, when I was DAW shopping so many years ago, I went with Mixcraft in part because I liked their forum. And I still do.

Ask questions, people don't lord it over you, helpful without being condescending, very nice. But suggest something, anything, and it's like you kicked the hornet's nest. When I started using Mixcraft, the Undo/Redo command didn't show what operation you were undoing. Yikes! So I of course suggested that, and I got pushback in the forum. I pointed out that every content creation program I had used for the past 20 years had had that feature and still.

Maybe it's because Mixcraft is such a good "starter" DAW, it attracts people who have less experience with how other DAW's work.  And maybe they are attracted to niche software in other areas as well, so they don't care much about conforming to industry standards or what else is going on in the marketplace.

And not to badmouth the company at all, I have the utmost respect for their attention to quality, but they too have their blind spots in certain areas such as keystrokes.

So @kennywtelejazz, sounds like they tried to gaslight you about MIDI file preview and why it shouldn't or couldn't work the way you suggested?

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