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Time Ruler Font

Marke Burgstahler


Hi all,

I have my Time Ruler set to show M:B:T, and I have a hard time reading the measure number. It has a grey background wiith black measure numbers. 

Do I need to modify the theme intself in order to improve the contrast of the numbers in my Time Ruler?

Thanks for any suggestions.

EDIT: I was at least able to change the color of the measure numbers in Preferences/Colors. Much better!

Edited by Marke Burgstahler
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  On 1/31/2019 at 5:52 AM, sjoens said:

Either way - Preferences or TE - tho sometimes Preferences seems to override TE changes.

Background, fonts, and rulet marks can all be changed.


Hmmm...fonts? So could I make the measure marker numbers could be made larger, or bold, perhaps? I didn't see this option in Preferences/Colors for the Time Ruler...

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I know what your talking about. I have my timeline set to defaults but my Markers are set to Light Blue as seen in the photo below.

I believe there is a way to change the timeline MBT colors in preferences (Not Theme related). I just haven't searched for it, only my Markers But my guess is its there (in preferences).


cores exploding.JPG

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In Preferences > Colors, go to Rules then Time Ruler Tick Marks and Track View Time Ruler Digits.

Most, if not all colors in Preferences are also in TE.

Time Ruler background has to be changed with TE or a color set file saved from a pre X series version of Sonar where all colors were user changeable.

OAN, that's quite the Performance screen. Either you're CPU is about to blow or it's showing a row of matches.O.o

Edited by sjoens
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