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Display of up to 128th notes in the Staff View. Please?

Michael McBroom

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I realize I'm probably something of a dinosaur here. I actually compose music using the staff view. And while Cakewalk's staff view is hardly feature rich, it usually gets the job done. Now, even though I've run into a situation where I need 64th notes to be displayed in one of my compositions, I've also run into situations where I have imported MIDI files of other composers' work -- such as JS Bach -- where this limitation is felt. To Cakewalk's credit, even though 64th notes aren't displayed, they are at least played properly. That's something at least. But when it comes time to print out the work, I'm looking at doubled up notes on note stems when this ceiling is hit.

So, would it be too much trouble to ask that the Staff View's readout of notation be expanded to include 64th and 128th notes? Please?

Right now, I'm running into a situation where I'm trying to print out one of my compositions, but the 64th notes are being shown as doubled-up 32nd notes. I've tried exporting my composition as a MIDI file to other programs, but they've made a complete hash out of this MIDI file. I'd be inclined to blame Cakewalk, except each of these programs makes a hash out of the file in its own unique way -- no two being alike, in other words. So, it sure would make life easier for me if I didn't have to try and export this file at all, where I could just keep it within Cakewalk, and print it out from within Cakewalk.

What do you say, guys?


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128th notes?  What crazy music are you dealing with ? :) Just kidding. 

As for Staff in general, I think it is in need of a rather major overhaul in order to make a substantial difference. I do not thin they will do much in terms of smaller changes. Maybe I am wrong but it feels like an all or nothing kind of a thing. Either they decide to really make a do over with Staff, or keep it as is. I might be wy off though :)

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  On 1/31/2019 at 8:07 PM, Tobias said:

Maybe I am wrong but it feels like an all or nothing kind of a thing. Either they decide to really make a do over with Staff, or keep it as is. I might be wy off though :)


This has been a sore subject on the old forum for a long time. My impression was that the bakers were reluctant to engage in a do-over. Staff view has been stuck in time as is, but has been a part of Cakewalk since forever, so removing it was out of the question...

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Well, being the dinosaur that I am, I for one am glad the staff view still exists. When Gibson announced it was abandoning Cakewalk, like lots of others, I began looking around. And I found that several well-known products don't support a staff view. The one DAW I liked the best, Presonus Studio One, supports Presonus Notion 6 as a rewire device. But I just don't care for Notion. Anyway, I don't see how adding the readout of 64th notes at least would be all that hard to institute. I mean, the program is already picking up the correct time values -- it just isn't displaying them.

Tobias, you'll find 64th notes not at all uncommon in slow pieces of music that have fast scale passages. And in these sorts of situations you will occasionally run into 128th notes as well.

Now, as for doing a total revamp of staff view, well I'd be all for it. I mean it's as big of a dinosaur as I am, practically. And I think of relatively cheap products out there, like Reaper, that has a really nice staff view. So if Reaper can do it, why can't Cakewalk -- or BandLab in this case?


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Wait -- wasn't Overture a product that Cakewalk bought -- and then did nothing with it, eventually letting it just die off? That was some years ago. I wonder if it can even be revived.

I think Presonus Notion can be brought into Cakewalk as a rewire device . . . but then I really don't care all that much for Notion. Its interface is clumsy and non-intuitive and you have to jump through all sorts of unnecessary hoops just to set up a track.

Oops, belay my above Overture comment. I'm at the Sonic Score website right now, checking it out. A bit pricey though.


Edited by Michael McBroom
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  On 2/8/2019 at 10:42 AM, Tobias said:

Read this post form the old board Michael. Makes me crazy to realize we could have had the Overture quality for staff in Cakewalk, and Gibson turned it down!  




I felt the same when this was first posted.

I hope BandLab consider resurrecting this as this is exactly the sort of thing users would be happy to pay extra for.

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  • 3 months later...

The subject of the post kind of shifted from a request to add the capability to place a 64th or 128th note in staff view to Gibson's rebuke of Overture.

I like the original idea of adding capability to the staff view.

The forum recently had a BandLab sponsored poll asking for user feedback in setting future development priorities.  Audio editing received the highest rating but MIDI editing was not far behind.  Perhaps now is a good time to revisit this subject.

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@Michael McBroom your are no dinosaur, I like to use the staff view as well.  It was one of the things that really attracted me to Cakewalk back in 1993 when I first got Cakewalk Apprentice.   For me the staff view makes musical sense the PRV useful from drums and percussion and a few tricks but it just does not look like music to me.  I can understand the music in staff view and hear it when I read it.

Whilst 128th notes might be of use I can definitely say that 64th notes would be useful.  It would also be useful to be able ti import MXML we can export why not import?

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  • 4 months later...

Hi there!

Fellow dinosaur here, though "only" 38 years old. Googling "64th notes in Cakewalk staff view" brought me here. Cakewalk was a magical software for me when I was younger, and I especially loved composing in midi in Staff View, since I know to read music decently. Now I've discovered that Cakewalk is free (which is great!) but I felt that I missed higher resolution notes in the staff. Didn't there use to be at least up to 64th notes in older Cakewalks? Anyway, great thread! Guess I'll check out Reaper's notation as well, even though I've never quite found anything as good as Cakewalk :) Cheers!

/Gustav in Sweden

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