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would you mind if I shared my fractal stuff here?


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Hi Peeps,

Would you mind if I shared some of my flame fractal creations here?

Sometimes it may be a still image but I ultimately aim to create animations.

The YouTube stuff will have my music attached, of course, but you can always mute that and play some heavy metal or R&B in the background. It's not about the music, more about the pretty graphics.

Any complaints and I will desist.




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Side note...  I was once the President of a company called the Liquid Sky Group (the similarity between LSG and LSD were completely intentional).  Just me and a couple of work friends.  We had two products that were both fractal related.  We would make posters of fractals as well as videos of color-cycled fractals (places like nightclubs would use these as background stuff on their TV's).  Since this was back when Pentium 3's had just come out, you can only imagine how much more we could have done now...  (Heck, just look at some of the YouTube videos available now!).  We had some complex fractals that literally took three weeks to complete!

It was fun, but just too much ahead of its time...

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I'm assuming that you would have been using something like Fractint, perhaps?

I've not used that program for some time.

And the stuff that I do are based on "flame fractals" which is totally different to the usual Mandlebrot stuff that Fractint created.

Not that I'm any kind of expert... The whole fractal thing blows my brain.

In an effort to try to understand the flame fractal stuff I sometimes reference the following:-


Some interesting stuff there but I struggle with the "math." End of.

However, with Chaotica, the software I use, I have created some fractals based on that website.

This is a Heighway Dragon:-


This is a McWorter's Pentigree:-


This is a Sierpinski Pentagon:-


And so on.

I created all the above within Chaotica by working through the examples from that website.


Chaotica then allows me to create more complex iterations and animate them. That is what I want to share, providing that enough people don't mind, including the moderators here, of course. After all, this is not at all about music and I can be accused, at the least, of posting off topic stuff.

And then there will be some that will flame me for "self promotion" of my music in a forum that is not for that kind of thing.

Hence why I have asked the question.

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Prepare to receive a private message complaining that you are posting more fractals than anyone else Andy!!! ?

And, yes, we were using Fractint with a few, choice, C++ modifications.

I think it was you who turned me on to Chaotica, but I haven't had any time to play with it...


Here's an interesting factoid:  Many of you have heard of things like the Fibbonacci sequence (1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, ...) and the Golden Ratio (Psi or approximately 1.618) as well as how these appear in nature particularly with growth.  Well, fractals share this as most will grow to be 61.8% larger as they develop!  Run a simple Mandlebrot set and it's upper growth limit is the Golden Ratio.  Cool, eh? ?

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So, where to start then?

I suppose a couple of stills would be nice first :)

Not sure how this will display here as it is a large picture that I uploaded to my deviantart account (which I don't use that much to be honest):-


That's a kind of random thing and was typical of what I created when I jumped in at the start.

After a while I tried to create stuff that is a bit more sort of geometric and not so random:-



The two above are not post-edited and the border effect was created within Chaotica.

There's more, of course, but I'll leave it there for now :D




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5 minutes ago, antler said:

is it beginner friendly

Yes, I personally think it is :)

You can download the free version which limits you somewhat in terms of image resolution and animation length.

If you are interested I can post the code for any of the images above just to get you started.

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I just downloaded the demo; didn't realise at first that it renders forever, and that you stop it when you think its good enough. From playing around with it, it looks like there's scope for a really wide range of images.

With enough experience, is there a way to know what you're going to end up with when you add new transforms, etc? or is it like how I approach FM syntheses (i.e. hmm... what does turning this dial do? oh, that sounds cool...)

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I have to admit that I mostly faff around a lot.

What really helped was some of the tutorials on deviant art. But even so, I find it hard to get my head around some of it.

It is also well worth checking out the Larry Riddle stuff which I posted about above.

Some of my current chaos files use just the linear and julia transforms and I quite like the results. I'll post some examples tomorrow as I have gone to bed now.



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