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Loading Samples From External SSD


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HI.. wonder if anyone out there is running BD by CW and both stores and loads their VST samples etc from 

an external SSD ? I picked up Sampletank MAX last year via a special offer .. I also bought a laptop to supplement

my desktop .. the laptop has a 500GB NVMe drive.. With EZ keys products and Dim pro etc I have over 200 GB of samples which

is ok on my desktop which has several hard drives but not so good on the laptop. Loading of large sample sets on the desktop can be slowish at times.

I only have 8 GB of RAM on the desktop and laptop.

I would like to use my latop as my principle music machine but wish to keep the desktop too. I was thinking of putting my whole sample set

on an SSD and using for both computers. I guess that as long as the drive letter doesnt change after specifying the sample path then i'm okay ?

Any advice would be appreciated.


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I have some internal SSD.  One 1 TB M.2 for NI Complete and Too track SD. I would be careful with external drives because they can catch more than the internal because the added USB or whatever to connect to the computer. I lost a lot of data because it that, but it was also more than 10 years ago. Now I only do internal drives. And always double or backup. I don't have double of the M.2 tho. But it is backed up, so I can replace it with a new drive fast. Safety is really important. MORE important as speed.

My M.2 is the ok priced Intel storage M.2 SSD. Its slower than the other ones, but ok priced and fast enough for large sample packs. (sorry I don't remember the name, I am long away from the computer)

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bear in mind you can go to "Control panel" > "Administrative Tools"  - and run "Computer Management"

on "Computer Management" there's a tab under "Storage" called "Disk Management" .. when you click,it shows you a list of your drives/partitions


from there you can right click on a partition and select "Change drive letter and paths" ... on the new popup click "change"

on the newest popup  to the right of "Assign the following drive letter" there's a gadget containing all unused system drive letters ...


with some jiggery pokery you can change your main drive letters to match on both laptop and PC (C: you cant change)

easy to remember letters for common jobs

C - boot drive (cant change)

E: External Samples

G: Games

S: Sample Libraries

T: Tracking

M: Music

V: Virtual

R: Reader

W: Writer

Z: That pia dual boot operating system - out of the way at the end

if you follow a set system installing daws on 2 pc`s,your USB drive/s can be used in both systems:-

both pc`s *should* remember the Assigned letter when plugged back in

Edited by Rooooooo
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Usb 3.0 will be better than usb 2.0. A lot depends on how many samples you intend to pull from the drive and computer spec.

8gb will be ok for small mixes.  Unfortunately most laptops ship with only 8gb for basic work. Can't hurt to give it a try. If the software you use lets you load on two machines I would give it a try. If planning large projects using lots of plugins and tracks  you are a little under spec. If I could add another 8gb I would.

Sampletank doesn't care if you copy their files somewhere else

I would maybe attempt to copy over to the external SSD but still leave the samples on the other computer too. In fact this isn't a bad idea because there is an expiration date for downloading those files from Sampletank if something happens to your computer and you need them again. If you went past the date there is an additional charge...something like 10 bucks.

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I've just cloned my original HDD 1Tb data drive to a Samsung 1Tb external SSD connected by USB 3.1 (the slow version originally known as 3.0) and it appears to be working as we if not better. Just installing IK Total Max 2 onto the SSD so hoping it'll continue to perform ok. I would have installed an internal SSD but bottled it!

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I was certainly giving it some hammer last night until 2am! SampleTank soundsets and half of Miroslav so far downloaded so a fair way to go! Get on there before I get out of bed if you want to get in front of me ? It's taking around 10 - 20 mins for each 2 - 3gb zip file for me

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