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the box is a sphere

Jesse Screed

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Jesse too bad we're both so old.  I'd have luv'd to have been in a band with you.  There's a vein of lucidity in most of your works that hold the pieces together.  In this song it's the  (designated) keyboards.  Hope all is well.  Take care.  Ok, all right, bye.

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Doug, I too felt the guitar was “loud”, BUT Jesse is way more sophisticated in his approach than just a “causal” listener “hears”. There is method to his seeming “madness”. Long time FZ fan here, Jesse has his own, very unique, genius. 


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On 3/2/2020 at 8:12 PM, David Sprouse said:

Jesse too bad we're both so old.  I'd have luv'd to have been in a band with you.  There's a vein of lucidity in most of your works that hold the pieces together.  In this song it's the  (designated) keyboards.  Hope all is well.  Take care.  Ok, all right, bye.

All is well.  Not to old to collaborate.  If you have any discarded wav files you wouldn't mind my going off on send them my way.  I'll take anything and q it up.


On 3/3/2020 at 12:01 PM, DeeringAmps said:

I feel your pain my brother. Keep exorcising those demons.
I do truly hope that "everything's under control"! 'cause we luvs ya man...


everything is under control, I love you too


On 3/3/2020 at 2:37 PM, bjornpdx said:

Jesse, your songs are sort of like looking at a Jackson Pollock abstract painting and thinking hmmmmm.

I think this is very astute, except Jackson Pollock had way more structure to his paintings, like he used to much quantize, at least in my opinion, but bjorn you areclose to the truth in what you say.


On 3/3/2020 at 2:42 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

I liked the piano playing - but the guitar is too loud in the mix - it drowns out your vocals. 

This made me think a bit of Nine Inch Nails.

DK, you may be right about the guitar, I notice the vocals are set back a bit.  I will have to listen to some Nine Inch Nails, I have heard of the band but can't say that I am familiar with their work.


7 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

Doug, I too felt the guitar was “loud”, BUT Jesse is way more sophisticated in his approach than just a “causal” listener “hears”. There is method to his seeming “madness”. Long time FZ fan here, Jesse has his own, very unique, genius. 


sophisticated madness, unique genius, nice choice of words,

I agree with madness and unique, but maybe not sophisticated or genius, however, wouldn't I like to think so anyway

everyone here is so kind, but you seem to see to have a wide palette of listening tolerance,

5 hours ago, Starise said:

Jesse are you looking for critique or just putting this out there? 

you just kind of did offer a critique?

It's hard for me to explain, I know this is way out there, but my feeling is this, I'd rather put something out there, then not

plus, it keeps me out of trouble, way better than shooting crack with back alley junkies.

but I do take it very seriously, I spent a lot of time on this, and if you listen close there is some cool stuff going on, it's not loike I am trying to make a mockery

Thanks for listening Starise, I mean that,

it would be so easy to just pass it by, I imagine it might be like opening a can of beans only to find a frog inside, a frog with a grin, smoking a pall mall and drinking a schlitz

Edited by Jesse Screed
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What a trip. It's at it's best when I can hear the lyrics, but I really liked the guitar which reminded me of Fripp in spots.  I especially liked the neat slinky synthy pads sliding around rhythmically in the background. I think I also in this one especially was digging your vocal tambre and style, so offhand yet it still conveys the meaning.

Hearing your tunes helps me press the reset button in my musical mind. Wonderful.


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