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freddy j

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Have you met anyone with a blackhole personality?  This is a compilation of the traits of those that I have met.

I used a lot of guitar tracks in this song.  In all there were 4 (5 if you count that noise -panned L -- at the end of the song).  My concern is that they might be stepping on each other.  I would appreciate any comments, suggestions , etc. if you find that it is so --- or  ---- for any other comments, suggestions, etc. that you may have. 





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Really like the doubled vocal. I’d probably pan that guitar that’s walking on the vocal. I’ve made reference in the past to Hooker and J Reed; man can you tell a story. Thumbs, thumbs, thumbs my brother. 


if I could story tell half as good I’d quit my day job; wait a minute, I’m gainfully unemployed. 

Edited by DeeringAmps
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Nice songFreddy. I didn't pick up on any guitar overlap issues. I have met a few of those "Black Hole" personalities myself. You have a great way for saying that here. The mix itself seemed ok for this kind of retro sound. Elements seem blended into a warm reverb making the sounds more jelled together than crisp.. Though I kept thinking maybe you might have a single vocal in places. Keeping the vocals effects in throughout was a different approach.

Thanks for sharing this! Always like to hear what you're working on.

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That patented Freddy J sound. ?

1:22 really nice thump thump thump not sure what else to call it.

I've been liking your subject matter the last couple of songs. Getting into some human nature dysfunction stuff. I would never have thought of the term blackhole personality. That should be in the DSM-5.

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Great lyrics, and the guitar parts, too.

Overall I feel like the mix might be just a hair overcompressed. I dunno, it's not way smashed, just a little smashed and sometimes crunchy artifacts are a choice.

On the guitars, do you have a guitar doubling the bass line? I'm hearing more overcompressed crunch on the bass than anything else. If you have a guitar doubling the bass, you might drop the guitar's volume just a hair? Total guess.


"Hot Dog" came after, and it's much cleaner in the bass dept. . . . what settings did you use there?

still "Blackhole" kind of sucks you right on in!




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Well this past week was certainly a revolting development!  I had to take my computer in for "fixin' " and it took just shy of a week to get it back.  I don't do phone stuff (my thumbs are too fat?).  So can you imagine the horror? !!?  Anyway, I am almost back to normal - and - my computer is also.


Hi David.  I'm very glad that you enjoyed the song.  Thanks for listening and thanks very much for commenting.  I listened to "White hole" and thoroughly enjoyed it.  It was a nice cheery song that would contrast with the darkness of a blackhole. Nice one!

Hey Tom.  Thanks very much for the kind words and encouragement.  I was concerned with the guitars stepping on each other.  Now that I have my computer back I can take another listen and do some fixin".   I love songs that tell a story.  Would you believe that Leiber and Stoller  (you know the one's that wrote all those great Coaster's songs) are absolute fav's of mine.  "Gainfully unemployed" I like that term!  Mind if I use it?  I have been "gainfully unemployed" since I retired!  BTW, thanks for checking up on me.  The absence of a computer was the problem.

Thank you Starise.  I very much appreciate your comments.  I was also going back in the alley a a bit on this song as I did in Hot Dog.  Back in the '50's and very early '60 duets were not unusual in rock 'n roll and Pop (e.g., Black Slacks by the Sparkletones).  I didn't intend to do dual vocals throughout but I guess I got carried away.  Since in was in the alley, I just decided to leave it that way.  Thanks again for listening and commenting.

Hi Douglas.  I am very glad that you like it.  Thanks very much for listening and for the kind words.

Hi Bjorn.  Thanks very much for your kind words.  I had to look up what DSM-5 but was not able to find a free access to it on-line.  I did, however, do a search and the phrase "black hole" has been used in psychology although not in the same way that I used it in the song.  In the articles I read, it was used more to describe a feeling of emptiness associated with some mental illnesses.  A bit different from my concept in the song of a person who sucks in all that they can.   Thanks again for your comments. 


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12 hours ago, freddy j said:

I love songs that tell a story.  Would you believe that Leiber and Stoller  (you know the one's that wrote all those great Coaster's songs) are absolute fav's of mine.

One of the greatest songwriting teams of all time!

12 hours ago, freddy j said:

"Gainfully unemployed" I like that term!  Mind if I use it?  I have been "gainfully unemployed" since I retired!

Call it your own my brother! Remember Papa said "Great artists Steal!"

12 hours ago, freddy j said:

thanks for checking up on me

A week without Freddy is like a week without sunshine...

and BTW, the little "t" works for me, we have another Tom (emeraldsoul) and we don't won't to get the masses confused. ?


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Hi Daryl1968.  I'm glad that all that guitar noise worked out.  Thanks for listening, letting me know and for the kind words.

I very much appreciate the feedback Geeare1.  Thank you very much.

Hey Paul.  Thank you very much for your response and the feedback.  I appreciate it.

Hi  tom.  A lower case "t" it is.  I certainly don't want to cause any confusion ?  Thanks again for checking up on me!

Thanks emeraldsoul.  Good guess.  I did not use compression on the bass but did use the SHB-1 Ignite plug-in amp.  Perhaps that might be part of the problem.  I did, however, double the bass part and a guitar part (panned R).  That also might be contributing to what you observed.  I am not sure why the bass part would have cleared up after "Hot Dog".  I'm going to pull out the working file and see what is up.  Thanks again -- I very much appreciate your insight!!

Thanks Jesse!  Ya, I've been retired for a while and I am a bit of a fossil.  However, I highly recommend retirement.  Thanks again.  ????Pouseur???



Edited by freddy j
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Freddy, you have a way with words!  Do you know my ex?  lol  In so many ways, you are the sociologist of the group.  I love to listen to your songs, and this just keeps that trend going.  I'd love to jam with you someday!  I've been involved with a lot of family business lately, and I hope to be more active here in the near future, but I just have to act the "patriarch" sometime ;)


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Thank you Lynn.  I too would enjoy "jammin'"  My complements on your recent posting.  To say it is excellent would be an understatement.   I am glad you have been able to get back on the forum - but - I know that family definitely comes first and must be the priority.  I hope all works out for you.

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