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Lost My Baby Today


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Just wanted to share the news with you guys that the little girl that is on my avatar pick had to be put down this morning because of probable cancer.  She would've been 16 years old this coming August 29.  She was my "Honey Girl" and I will miss her.  It's very painful.  Her name was Ginger.  She was a good girl.  I'm debating whether to replace her pic with a new avatar or keep it there for a memorial.   What say you?

?John B.

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I am very sorry for your loss. I have had dogs through my life. Each one has a special place with my memory.  All have given wonderful love and often humor.  It can hit very hard and I don't have an answer with what you should do. Except until you have another companion I would suggest leaving it as is until then. Replace when you feel it to be the right thing to do.   

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Years ago a study showed that 90% of people thought of their pets as family members.  That's because they are, and we love them intensely.  When my dog "Sally" died I cried for two days.   I hope you don't hurt long.  In time you'll decide what to do with the avatar.

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21 minutes ago, jude77 said:

Years ago a study showed that 90% of people thought of their pets as family members.  That's because they are, and we love them intensely.  When my dog "Sally" died I cried for two days.   I hope you don't hurt long.  In time you'll decide what to do with the avatar.

Yes.  In every way Ginger was my little girl.  Losing her hurts as much as losing a family member, and I've lost quite a few of those in the past few years.

Sally is a pretty name for a puppy.

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So sorry to hear about Ginger and your loss John.   She was your family.

My Cricket is 15 and her age is showing. She is my little girl and we share such a special bond. She got through my cancer and without her I don't know what I would have done. 

Keep your avatar for as long as it warms your heart .  

Sally is a great name

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Very sad to hear this news of Ginger.

My heart is with you. Animals that become our friends are often closer to us than people. I would probably keep the avatar until such time when it feels ok to change it.


If that time never comes, that's fine as our friends are never forgotten!



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Yeah, I think I'll keep it there for awhile.   What you said about pets making the world a better place is so true.  There is so much stupidity going on in the world around us and every day it seems as if the world as I know it and grew up in is falling apart piece by piece.  When it starts to get too much for me I put on a youtube video of some puppy dogs or pussy cats and I instantly feel better.  Sometimes I really think that they are smarter than people.



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14 hours ago, Johnbee58 said:

Yeah, I think I'll keep it there for awhile.   What you said about pets making the world a better place is so true.  There is so much stupidity going on in the world around us and every day it seems as if the world as I know it and grew up in is falling apart piece by piece.  When it starts to get too much for me I put on a youtube video of some puppy dogs or pussy cats and I instantly feel better.  Sometimes I really think that they are smarter than people.



 That would make it worse for me.   My biggest worry is dying before my pet and what happens after that.

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Super Sorry for your loss.  Have gone through it several times myself.  We have three fur babies here and they not LIKE family members they ARE family members.  When you know awesome they are it is hard to believe how some people can treat them badly or neglect them.  I have one laying across me right now.  When she (Bailey) joined us I didn't really even care for her much (rescued from becoming a puppy mill mother on Craig's list), she has claimed me and now we are inseperable.

 We foster small dogs and have had more than 30 pass through our home over the past few years.  When the time comes to get another companion, please consider a shelter or rescue group.

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We got a Maltipoo last year. We were looking for a shelter dog that was hyper-allergenic.  After looking for a year finally gave up and went to a local breeder.
She is so part of the family now. She plays each of us differently. My wife, she wants her to hold her and sit across her lap. Me she wants to play tug-a-war and my daughters it is fetch.  Of course she wants to lay on the floor with my one daughter while she is doing her homework.  My daughter named her Maddie.
I would leave up your avatar of Ginger. 

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