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Another silly music cartoon


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2 hours ago, bitflipper said:


They must have found a really good pig to make those pipes ? Most on the outside have no idea the level of difficulty in playing some of these instruments. I don't know if this guy has an air pump pushing air into this thing. That would make sense. They take a lot of air to work and they sound funny when they are running out of it, (air that is). For all I know this might be a synth and the bag is a prop. I wouldn't bet on that though.

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I used to love listening to traditional  Celtic music( where I used to live in N Y C there were a lot of places to  play and hear it live ) ...

Anyway back to topic . The band in the video sounds Great ...

Nice find , real modern sounding , Gary Moore would sound Great over that



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The band above is Nightwish, a mostly-Finnish band, although the pipe player Troy Donocklay is British (their current singer, not shown, is Dutch). One of my favorite bands in the world, certainly my absolute favorite Scandinavian metal band. And yes, his instruments are real.

Interesting you should mention Gary Moore, as Nightwish covered a Moore tune "Over the Hills and Far Away" and it's one of their most-requested live numbers.



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What I don't like about bagpipes is the drone(s) are purposely out of tune with the chanter, so that when the chanter plays the same note as the drone it doesn't sound like one pipe.

Saxophones are not in tune with themselves, and every note needs different pressure on the reed to play it in tune--more pressure to raise the pitch, less to lower it. Ever since I was a kid, I've trained myself to play in tune by using my ears and lip, so that when something is consistently not in tune, it just sets off an alarm in my brain.

But admittedly there are many who love the sound, and there's nothing wrong with that.

There is more than one wan to play music, and more than one way to enjoy it.


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14 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:

What I don't like about bagpipes is the drone(s)

Which is what I like about them.

I don't hear that in Nightwish. The way it's played in that band reminds me of a pan flute without the breath sound. Much richer though. It was a good listen.

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