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Using Midi FX with Simple Instruments

Mark Morgon-Shaw

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You can't insert a MIDI FX into the FX bin on a VSTi if you choose to have it as a simple instrument

I realise this is because it's an audio FX bin and the workaround is to insert it on the midi clip (  or don't use the simple instrument view ) although this isn't always convenient. Is it possible to have the FX bin function for midi and/or audio plugins ?

Maybe in the space just above the FX bin could be a toggle switch to view either the Audio or Midi FX bin ?


Edited by CosmicDolphin
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You can float it and close it with the "x" in the upper right corner and get even more TV space, and then call it up only when you need it.

I do this with the Help window and the Browser when I really want real estate in the TV. Undock 'em, then close 'em with the "x." They don't re-dock. Then when called back up, they come back undocked and can be moved where convenient.

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21 hours ago, Starship Krupa said:

You can float it and close it with the "x" in the upper right corner and get even more TV space, and then call it up only when you need it.

I do this with the Help window and the Browser when I really want real estate in the TV. Undock 'em, then close 'em with the "x." They don't re-dock. Then when called back up, they come back undocked and can be moved where convenient.

The real issue is that ever since 8.5 the Inspector has been too big.  It used to half the size and it was perfectly functional

Even now when it's completely minimised I reckon they could add a lot more functionality in that thin strip of blank space 

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I have the benefit of blissful ignorance of the pre-SONAR features that many users found to work better. I do feel ya about it sticking in the craw when a much-touted "improvement" seems to result in the program feeling clunkier and much-used features being replaced by ones that don't work as well. Yet here we are in Cakewalk by BandLab Land, but it's one where the devs do pay attention to what we users would like and make an effort to implement it when it's within reach.

4 hours ago, CosmicDolphin said:

It used to half the size and it was perfectly functional

? Y'know, the lack of having the "narrow strip" function for the strips in the Inspector is so obvious now it almost seems like an oversight, and fodder for a separate Feature Request here in this forum. Why can't we right click on the strips in the Inspector and get "narrow strip?" I think you're the man to make that request.

Also, it occurs to me that I suspect I can create a Workspace with no (or floating) Inspector or Browser if I want to run in audio edit mode, and another one for MIDI edit mode, and another one for mixing mode. I say "suspect" because I haven't yet, but that's because I haven't dug into the Lens/Workspace feature since it was overhauled. Maybe if I set it up just right I'll be able to click back and forth.

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10 hours ago, CosmicDolphin said:

Yeah be nice to have the option to leave it compact for non-touch users ..which I guess is the vast majority.  At least since they went from 8.5 to X1 larger screens have gotten cheaper I guess 

...and we are all used to touching tiny little widgets in our phone screens.

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7 minutes ago, CosmicDolphin said:

This is why I also asked for a vector based GUI

Would this vector-base GUI mean that the size of the everything-all-at-once could be be resized, that each individual visual element could be resized, that everything within single panes/windows could be resized independently, etc.?  

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2 minutes ago, User 905133 said:

Would this vector-base GUI mean that the size of the everything-all-at-once could be be resized, that each individual visual element could be resized, that everything within single panes/windows could be resized independently, etc.?  

Depends how it's implemented. In FL studio you can resize the whole interface i.e. 100% -150% - 200% and it scales itself to suit. Very flexible and lightweight..no artifacts like you get when scaling bitmaps.

It could make for a very flexible console view with channels that can be resized to suit what you are working on

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